College Students

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It's been a few months since the incident between Mami and Y/n had happened.

During the few months before they started college, the two had sex. Lots and lots of sex whenever Mami had the sudden urge to have Y/n inside her.

Whenever and wherever is their schedule, most times they did it at Y/n's place. On the couch, in his bedroom, inside the showers, on the kitchen counter. Then they did it outside in public.

Whether it was at the beach, in a karaoke hall, an amusement park, it was lust over love now as Y/n's routine consisted of this mostly. But college soon came around, there wasn't much that they could do besides hang out like they used to. Only, Mami had such a booked calendar, school and tennis as it took up most of the days and time.

Not that Y/n didn't mind, he was kind of glad that they are taking a break from such predicament. He was tired, he was losing his interest for Mami, it had it's ups and downs. If only he could manage to get her off his mind and finally grab the courage to tell her that he was done.

He wanted to do that, yet he doesn't like to let go of things. Especially when this was his best friend from elementary school, his first friend to stuck by his side to now.

Like an imaginary scrapbook, it's staying in his brain for awhile as he was walking around campus to get a good feel of the layout and finding any building he missed out and might wanna try out. A lot to see at the university like the gym, the school spirit shop, a computer hall where you could play games.

He was about to head into the spirit shop to see all of the merchandise and school clothes they had to offer until, "Y/n!~"

That voice he recognizes. He turns around and sees Mami waving to him, he comes to her and waved back. "Hey, Mami..." he smiles softly and sees three more feminine figures that were behind her. "Who are they?"

Mami turns to see her friends and smiles. "These are my friends from tennis practice!" She exclaims as each on of them introduced themselves.

"Hi! My name is Imai!"

"I'm Shimae!"

Y/n nearly lost interest from Mami's friends until his eyes lands on the third girl who had violet eyes and violet hair. She was a bit red but she must be a bit shy to see a boy in front of her. It shook Y/n in his chest as his body felt as if it couldn't move.


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"H-Hi... M-My name is A-Akemi..." she says softly as Y/n couldn't help but smile at such a cute girl. "Hello, Akemi-chan..." he says as she blushes harder and turns away.

He turns back to Mami's other friends and bows. "It's nice to see you guys as well..." he says and then finally faces Mami. "So what are you doing, Mami? Any plans?"

"Just meeting up with a few teammates from the tennis team!~"

"You should come too, Y/n-san!" He turns to see Mami's two other friends who smiles brightly. At first he was hesitant. Then, "Nah... I think I'll pass..."

Mami Nanami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now