Popped a Question

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It's been a few weeks after Y/n met up with Mami's friends. He could be seen walking around campus for a free day off of learning as he took in the nice and hearing sun that fanned into his face.

A nice day for the young adult, he let his feet carry him wherever they desire at however pace it takes. It felt off for him to be this tense, trying to freshen his mind up from a lot of stress and events that went on throughout the month he's been in school.

He worked out for one, early in the morning and then late at night, he met up with a few new people, then there's Mami. She's been such a pain in the ass ever since the two enrolled through college as he tries and take advantage of the campus's beautiful atmosphere. In through the nose and out through the mouth, the air was perfect. A bit humid but it wasn't dry and cold either.

As of now, he was strolling through the main campus, taking in the scenery the school provided as he said hi to most of the students that passed by. Life was good, it was peaceful, his grades were high, his body felt better than before, nothing can get better than this.

That is until he turned the corner from an abandoned school shed and sees two figures standing face to face. The minute he recognizes a redhead nerd and the blonde cutie, he hide back around the corner. "It can't be... Can it?" He peeks his head around the corner once more and sees a timid redhead who was squirming in place.

And then... "Mami Nanami..." he bows his head in front of her. "I WANT US TO BE A COUPLE!" He screams. Y/n knew that it was gonna happen based off of the obvious hints he showed in front of him, Mami, and the rest of their friends. But at the same time, "We're friends with benefits... She has to say no... It's pretty logical..."

Mami's eyes were casted under her hair, a dark shadow appears but a red blush appears on her cheeks. A smile soon formed on her face as she looks back up at Kazuya. "Okay... Let's do it..." she said as Y/n's head heated up with confusion.

"What the fuuuuuck?" He whispers as the boy was also shocked as well. "...Crap... I didn't think I made it this far..." he mutters, pacing back and forth while his hand was in his face.

Mami took notice of his state of shock as she giggles at his silly self. "Let's hang out after school together... Okay?" She asked in a soft manner as the redhead blushes lightly and nods at her request.

"Y-Y-Yeah! After school! You and me!" He answers as the girl couldn't help but giggle again, she brings him into a hug and watched as Kazuya takes his leave in an excited manner. Y/n took the opportunity to talk about Mami's sudden reasoning behind her decision. He gets out from the corner of the building and approached the girl as she saw her best friend and waved. "Hi, Y/n!~"

"...Why?" He decides to be straight forward with it.


"Why'd you say yes to him?" He asked, curious about her choice with the redhead from earlier. All Mami did was shrug softly and smile. "I wanna... try this dating thing out..."

That surprised Y/n. As if he had met quintuplets all at the same time. He crosses his arms and had a scowl on his face. Of course the boy was jealous but tries his best not to express it to Mami. "What about me? I asked you out before and yet I get rejected... Ever thought about that?" He raises an eyebrow only to receive a poor answer.

"...I didn't want to date you because... I... wasn't ready... And besides..." her hand grabs ahold of the frontside of his pants. "I have this little guy here!~ Or should I say... big?~" she says before pushing him into the shed and shoved him inside. She locks the door and then throws him against the wall, falling to her knees and ripping his pants off.

A raging hard on, thanks to the bold touch of someone's hand from earlier. She whips her hair back and twirls her tongue around the tip. Immediately, Y/n felt the sensual vibe running through his skin, with a good grip onto his shaft while his crush gave some special attention to him, he couldn't help but let the situation continue.

Soon enough after the daydream, she took it all in. Slowly pushing herself until she makes it to the base, his shaft starts to numb from the soft and slimy feeling inside her mouth. Caressing ever so gently, she comes back up before giving a proper blowjob.

Her lips starts to stroke around him, his head filled with nothing but numbness to his senses. It was like magic as she handled his rod with great care and pleasure. Y/n couldn't help but moan loudly, he didn't care, nobody comes around to an abandoned shed for anything at all.

She starts to jerk him off a bit, making the tension from under him more unbearable and taking it in quickly. Y/n was lost in his mind while his arms became their own consciousness as they grab her hair and starts pushing her deep into his crotch.

Now his groans were louder, Mami looks up at him and smiles with a mouthful of sausage as Y/n starts pumping his hips back and forth. It's lust over love now, hearing the gags of Mami's throat with the indecent moans coming from Y/n was turning the both of them on.

He starts to grit his teeth, anticipating himself at his end as he stutters his sentences. "M-M-Mami... I'm... I'm gonna..." he lets go of her hair to see what she would do. She continues to stroke his cock inside her mouth for awhile before hearing him groan louder than before, his time was coming to an end.

Finally, she pulls away and jerks him off with the spit that accumulated on his shaft, faster and faster while Y/n tries his best to embrace himself against the wall. "Ugh~... Fuck!~"

They soon shoot out. The white love juice flies onto Mami's face as she sticks her tongue out to catch as many of his juices as she could. There were massive amounts coming out, many pumps of them lands on her face while some managed their way into her mouth.

It took a few minutes until the fireworks ended, Y/n was still leaning on the shed, taking in the breaths of such enjoyment while Mami does her best to suck out every last drop of sperm she could get.

The two was enjoying it but inside one of them, it was sharing regret in their mind as he continues to watch the girl cleaning up the mess on his shaft.

Soon, she gets up, licking up the remains on her face and starts to smile more. "Now... It's my turn~..." she says before lifting her leg up onto Y/n's arm, he knew what this meant as she wraps her arms around his neck. "I'm ready for you~..." she winks at him, biting her lower lip and anticipated for some real action.

Y/n grabs the tip and starts to tease around her from below, Mami was turning red from the kisses that his cock was giving her. She then feels the tip penetrating inside her and-


The two stops. It was Mami's cellphone as she checks to find a reminder that she has classes going on in fifteen minutes. A frown grew upon her face, "Such a shame..." she said before getting off of Y/n and starts to clean herself a bit and heading to the door. She turns back at the nearly exhausted boy and waved to him.

"See you later, Y/n!~" she smiles and heads out. Y/n on the other hand was gaining his senses back after their love fucking, he pulled up his pants and walks near the exit. He places his hand onto his head, ashamed at what he had done.

"...What is wrong with me?" He shakes his head and heads back to his dorm, still contemplating on what he had done just now.

Mami Nanami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now