Finding Someone New

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A lazy day was at today's schedule as a trio of friends were walking around the campus, gazing at the school's environment it provided.

The three students that could be seen on a fine Saturday was a pair of boys and a girl, two of them walked side by side as another walked behind.

The couple in front of the h/c was walking in silence, the boy with h/c hair was watching them as he had rolled his eyes at their antics.

Not because they were being lovey dovey, it was the complete opposite as he knew one of their intentions.

Why do you gotta put up an act like this, Mami?

Yes, he knew about the girl's secret, the blondie's as she was sleeping with someone behind her boyfriend's back. Who was she sleeping with? The same boy that tailed behind them as Y/n actually felt bad for the boy, unaware of her secret affair.

Why was he following them? He doesn't even know either. All he knew was that Mami wanted him with her when she's hanging out with Kazuya today, not stating why.

What are you planning, Mami?

Irritated at what she might pull, the girl falls behind and matched the pace with Y/n who he had a distressed look on his face, whispering into her ear. "Why did you invite me with you guys in the first place, Mami? Isn't this supposed to be like... your very own hang out with your boyfriend?"

"...I need you in case it goes down and something bad might happen..."

"...What goes down?"

Mami ignores him, the question still in his mind as what she meant when she said "It goes down".

Seriously, Mami... What are you fucking planning?

She walks ahead of Y/n which she gets ahead of Kazuya as well, before turning to the two of them and stopping the boys in their tracks. Her eyes were on specifically the redhead with the nerdy shirt.


Kazuya tilts his head to the side, a small smile on her face to try and ease the mood on what she was about to say next.

"Sorry, Kazuya... But..."


"...I found someone new~..."

It took a second for the two to process this as Y/n was the first to reel it all in to his head. "...Ay... Ayo..." he softly whispered, followed by a boy who had his jaw on the ground.


"...Yeah... Please don't take it the wrong way, Kazuya~..." was the last words she had for the orange haired boy before she runs off from the two. "Mami..." Y/n tried to stop her but stops himself instead.

He sees the boy crouching down onto the ground, a look of distress in his face as he had his hands ruffling through his hair. Y/n knew that the boy was getting it rough but was hesitant on who to approach first.

He sighs, frustrated as he followed his best friend's footsteps. "God dammit, Mami..." he mumbles as he ran off to where she hid at and found her behind a building. Y/n was really mad.

"Mami! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"I had to break up with him..."

"Th-de- What?! Why?! You probably scarred the poor boy's soul!"

"I think I might have found someone better~..."

Y/n was flabbergasted at this point, why was Mami this... like this? He has never seen the girl so selfish before. Except for when the two established their new relationship with each other, his hands on his waist as he finally calmed down. "And who is that?"

"The quarterback of the team~..."

Y/n facepalmed himself. "Mami, are you-"

But wishes he wouldn't done that earlier. The quarterback of the team... His thoughts were swirling around on that exact thought.

Wait... This may be a good way to get her off my dick for once...

A sly smile on his face as he changed his mind on protesting for the girl. "Actually... go ahead! Go get him!"

"Thanks, Y/n!~" she pecks his cheek and runs off to find the quarterback she was looking for, the h/c comes out from the corner of the building and searched for an individual who was down in the dumps.

The orange shirt gave it off near the fountain as Y/n builds up the courage in himself and approached Kazuya.

"Oi..." he said but the boy doesn't listen.

"Get your head up..."

Once again, Kazuya ignores him.

Looks like I have to go philosophical on him... Shit...

"...Listen... It's not the end of the world... She dumped you because... she doesn't see the true value... that you have inside of yourself..." the h/c looks away a bit.

If he does have any...

"What value do I have?!"

...At least he's aware of it...

But the boy sighs, hating that the boy was down because of his friend who being selfish. Y/n had a small idea though, he tapped away on his phone and presses the send button one last time.



His phone tells him that his message was sent as Kazuya's phone went off. He checks it and read what it said on it. "...Diamond... App?"

"Yeah... Use that..."

"What's this?"

"It's an app where you can book a date from girls that'll be your girlfriend for the day..." Y/n answers and was met with Kazuya placing his phone on the fountain and hugged his knees into his face. "I don't need that... I need Mami..."

"You don't need her..."

"And how would you know?! Huh?! You think you can just be sympathetic and say it'll be alright?! It's not that easy!"

"I know because I went through worse than you!" Y/n snapped at Kazuya, his body grew pale as his head was boiling with rage.

"I wanted Mami to be my girlfriend before but that never fucking happened! It will never fucking happen! So don't think you have a stand at 'YoU dOn'T kNoW mY pAiN!'! So just shut the fuck up and man up, you big baby!"

Y/n panted softly with his eyes filled with redness of anger. However, Y/n found out what he had just said and done as he took a few breaths and caressed his head. "I'm sorry... It just slips..."

The redhead just nods, it took a few minutes before Y/n finally calmed down and said his last goodbye to Kazuya for the day.

"Just... you do you... get better... find someone that'll love you more than Mami..."

"...Okay... Thanks..."


And with that unusual interaction, Y/n left Kazuya to figure it out for himself as he does for himself. The thought of Mami's poor choice ran through his head once again, dumping the boy all of a sudden and telling him that she wanted to go out with the quarterback of the team.

Y/n sighs once more.

Why do you have to be such an asshole, Mami?

Mami Nanami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now