Skate Rink

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We're back with another chapter with our main characters, Y/n and Mami and their friends.

The scene was very dim, the sun was setting slowly in the city as a group of familiar friends were walking down the sidewalk. Where are they heading to?

"I'm telling you, man... It's behind us!"

"No, it's not! The skate rink around the corner!"

Two boys that Y/n knew were arguing in front of him, walking as they spat whether if the rink was here or there. It wasn't really pretty, making a ruckus but it isn't his problem for now. He was focused on something else... or someone.

"I can't wait to try skating, Y/n!" Someone excitedly exclaim as he looks down to find a girl with purple hair that smiled brightly. She had on a white shirt that was tucked under a plaid skirt that matched her hair, a pair of white knee high socks and purple sneakers. "I know... I've been looking forward to this for a week..." Y/n answered as he nearly matched what Akemi was wearing.

The only difference was that he had a pair of black jeans on with white and c/c sneakers on. He also had a white shirt on as he smiled back at the girl next to him.

The day has finally arrived for the group, a night of skating as everyone including Y/n and Akemi was looking forward to trying this activity out.

The night was delayed, thanks to a few boys arguing about their directions until they finally stopped at their destination. A loud shout between the emits as they were still going at it.

"I told you it was over here, Noodle!"

"Well, sorry I can make mistakes as well, asshole!"

"Your 'mistake' made us late to go to the skate rink!"

"What's the big deal of being ten minutes late?! Tell me what's so beneficial about being there on time?!"

"I wanna skate! That's what!"

"Relax, boys... Calm down..." someone finally gets in between the two. Mami as she had a small concerned look on her face. "Don't fight... We're here already, that means we should all have fun now..."

"Yeah, dumbass... You wanted to skate... Here we are..." the boy named Noodle snarls at his friend but heads inside. Everyone else does so, taking their skating boots from the front desk and putting them on on a bench.

Y/n and Akemi was still in their bright moods, excited for skating as they had some small talk and laughs until the h/c was the first to tie them on. He gets up from his seat and-

"Woah! Shit!"


Y/n immediately falls onto his back. "Are you okay, Y/n?" Akemi asked worryingly as the boy held his head.

"Yeah... Heh heh..." the boy chuckles lightly, earning a small smile from Akemi as she helps the boy to his feet and guided him to the rink like an old man in need of crossing the street.

Once in, Y/n was about to fall again but used the rails to catch him from the fall. "Holy shit..." the boy laughs some more, propping himself upright and looking for Akemi.

He was amazed once he finds her, skating perfectly while spinning in a slow circle. Y/n was in awe as she stopped with her twirling and finds the boy aiming his gaze at her.

A small blush crept up on her face but that didn't stop her from smiling from the fun she was having.

"You're really good at skating, huh?" The boy asked as she nods happily.

"I skated when I was five... It's really fun!~"

"I bet it was..." Y/n tries again as he gets off from the wall to try skating once more. "Uh-oh-"

Mami Nanami x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now