𝙰𝚗 𝙾𝚕𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎

192 22 15

I jumped, turning around to see Captain North emerging from the dimly lit corridor, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I-I couldn't..." I answered, looking down at the ground as he approached.

It was stupid of me to leave my room at night – probably against the rules, just as it had been at the previous two places I had lived.

He glanced down at me before nodding and leaning against the railing of the stairs.

"Is there a reason? Bed not comfortable, too many thoughts racing around, sleep unwilling to come... monsters in the closet?" Captain North spoke in a hushed dramatic whisper, eyes twinkling mischievously.

I giggled quietly, "the bed is fine... best I've slept, well laid, in for months. And everyone knows that monsters dwell under your bed, not in your closet."

"So, it's your mind, then?"

"I suppose you could say that," I mumbled, looking down again.

He hummed but didn't pry any further – it was like he already knew all I'd been through and that it wasn't a topic I wanted to speak about.

We stood there, at the top of the grand staircase in a comfortable silence, watching the pink sailing ship chandelier as it cast a soft glow across the lobby. Soon enough, I found that the ship wasn't the only glowing thing I could see. Turning my head, I could see sparkling ribbons of different colours all around. I could see dark shadows that definitely weren't there before.

I felt my eyes widen and pressed them shut, trying to push the Gossamer away, but when I opened my eyes again, it was still there, stronger than ever. It was dizzying. I felt like I was going to fall over, trapped in a world of bright colours that were telling me something, but I didn't know what.

I flinched when a firm hand grasped my shoulder and voice just as strong talking to me, "..John? Are you alright?"

I blinked a few times, watching as the Gossamer fade before I looked up at Captain North's concerned face.

"Y-yeah-" I let out a shaky breath.

He frowned slightly, and I gulped, praying he wouldn't ask any questions, and if he did, that a simple, "I'm tired" would cover it. I didn't want anyone to know what I was, particularly since Captain North and his staff and shown me nothing but kindness thus far... I don't think I'd be able to cope if they turned their backs on me.

He nodded, seemingly to himself, "right... you hungry?"

I shrugged, "I could eat."

The kids from Larommi had been given a full dinner, the most food I'd had on my plate since my sixth birthday. But despite my hunger, I hadn't eaten much of it – I wasn't sure if I was allowed or if we were supposed to. Was it a trap? A test of some kind? Would they kick us out if we ate all their food?

"Right... good, good. C'mon then," Captain North turned at walked to the stairs, turning back to beckon me over before starting to climb them.

I followed him onto the third floor and into a room that seemed to be his study. It was quite large but felt warm and welcoming. There were photo frames scattered across on the desk and some on the wall behind it. A rug lay in front of the fireplace with a red couch set behind it. On either side of the desk were chairs of matching colour to the sofa – a large one on the side closest to the wall and two smaller armchairs on the side closest to the couch. A giant bookshelf lined the far wall, split in half by a clear rolled-glass window.

Captain North gestured for me to take a seat in one of the armchairs closest to the sofa, and as I did, I noticed a tray with two cups and a plate of biscuits sitting on the desk.

He offered me a cup and a biscuit before taking one of each for himself.

I happily munched away at the choc chip biscuit, oblivious to the fact that the ginger-bearded man was staring intently at me, as if he were analysing me. When I finished the biscuit, I looked at the tray, wondering if I would be allowed to have another one, but decided as nice as Captain North was, I probably wouldn't be, so I resorted to finishing my hot chocolate.

I was about halfway through the cup when I looked up and caught his gaze. His face immediately brightened as he smiled at me, "so, there anything you'd like to know? About the Deucalion or the next steps in finding you kids new homes?"

I blinked.

I hadn't been expecting Captain North to be so open about the topic. The mission had seemed quite secretive, but that was so Trotters and their staff didn't catch on, I supposed.

"Umm... how exactly will you find us 'suitable homes'?" I ended up asking, quoting what he'd told me that day on our way to the Deucalion. I still wasn't used to asking questions – only answering them.

He smiled and nodded, "good question, and one you have the right to know the answer to," he gave me a look that made me feel like he did know how I'd gotten to where I was.

"We were thinking of an adoption type thing – if any of you kids have a better idea or any protests against it, we'll change, but this is the plan at the moment."

I nodded, "when... when will it start?"

"Hopefully tomorrow."

I hadn't been expecting that response either – it was so soon! This North was extremely different to the sort of people I'd grown up around.

I looked back at the plate of biscuits and nodded, trying to ignore the fear that started flooding through me. I didn't want to go through any more change – especially if I would just end up with another family like my own. Who'd want a Witness to look after anyway?

The plate of biscuits slid closer to me, and my eyes followed the hand that moved it up to Captain North's face.

"I'm not going to let anyone bad take you, John, I promise."

His blue eyes burned into my own brown ones. I could only nod.

"Now, take another biscuit or two, three even. Take them all if you please, but I think you should head up to bed."

I tried to suppress my grin by biting my lip, though I don't think I was very successful, and took a few biscuits. Then, I stood up and walked over to where Captain North was standing by the door. He walked me up to the fourth floor and to the room I was staying in.

He opened the door for me, and I walked in before walking but out and standing in front of him.

Taking a breath, I looked up at him.

"Thank you, Captain North."

He smiled down at me, "it was a pleasure to get to know you better, and please, call me Jupiter."

Written: 17 August, 2021

Published: 17 August, 2021

Well, I haven't written this story for like a week or two... kinda forgot where we were up to, but I like this version better than the original half-written one.

Anyway, I've always wanted to say this – every vote = two biscuits for Jack! :D

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