Shaan's dilemma

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"Comeon's been two days. Just take this matter out of your head for sometime. I am trying my best to find out who did this. Once i get some clue i will make everything right."....Shaurya said holding Anokhi's hand.

"I know ps ...but i can't stop myself from thinking about this. Iam feeling so bad for Priyanka. She failed to participate in the competition. Even though i didn't do anything ,her words are ringing in my ears."

"Listen it's decided that until i find out who did this , we won't talk about this okay".

She didn't respond.

"Okay??"...he again asked.

When she didn't respond again he started...
"Listen there is no need to feel bad about something you didn't do. You have wasted your 48 hours thinking about it . Now please keep that aside. "

She looked at him.

"Okay or take it in this way , you don't laugh hearing the same joke again and again na!"

"Hmmm"....she looked at him puzzled.

"Then why are you feeling low thinking about the same bad incident again and again."

A smile made way in her lips.

"I think you are right. I should just stop thinking about it."

"Exactly!"...he smiled at her.

" more thing .Dad told me that your Astha mam want us to have a small dinner with them today."

" way !What will i tell the warden?"

"You leave it to me. I will take care of the warden.You just be ready on time."

"Okay then ."...she said.

"Great! I have to leave now . Meet you in the evening.".....Shaurya left from there.


Evening: Shaan's flat:

Shaan came to open the door hearing the calling bell.

"Come in...come in."....he said pressing an ice pack against his head.

"Ohh my god !what happened dad!'s swelling"...asked Shaurya worried.

"Aree..come inside . I will tell you in detail."

They got inside.

"Shaan sir ..all okay!"...Anokhi asked concerned.

"Yes beta...everything is fine!"

"Where is Astha ma'am."

"She is in the kitchen . She might need some help."

"Yeah sure!"

Anokhi leaves .Shaan and Shaurya sits on the couch.

" tell me what happened."

"I am still processing what happened and you are asking me to explain."

"Dad...enough of this suspense."

"Suspense!!you think that iam in a mood to create suspense?"...he removed the ice pack to give Shaurya a better view of his head.

"Then what?"

"Your mom went mad an hour before and this is its after effect."

"She did this to you?"...he asked seriously.

"Who else do you think?"

Shaurya bursted in to laughter.

"ohh my god dad ...this is hilarious."

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