My wife!

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Soon the area was in pin drop silence.The crowd stepped back a little. Shaurya scrolled his eyes around. No one dared to speak.

"You were asking speak up."...Shaurya pointed his finger at a boy.

"sir.."...he mumbled.

"I SAID SPEAK UP."....Shaurya almost yelled causing the boy to shiver.

He retreated in fear.

"And you..."...Shaurya moved forward still holding Anokhi's hand tight.

"Sometime back you were doing my wife's pregnancy test over here."

"I...I am sorry sir!"

"Sorry! "...he smirked.

"...actually I am sorry to say that you are not continuing in my college.Collect your TC and leave."

"Sir please sir...i am really sorry."

"Thank me that i am only issuing your TC now but don't compel me to award you a rustication letter along with it!".....Shaurya clenched his fist and moved closer.

"How dare you talked to a fellow student like that.We just can't tolerate such cheap mentality over here and i hope you got it clear.NOW LEAVE!"

The boy almost jumped off his feet. Shaurya moved around scanning every single face in the crowd.

"And were talking about strategies, trap and all ha."

This time it was a girl.She shook her head in a no and struggled to pull herself to meet his eyes.

"Sir please don't rusticate me...i...i will apologize."

"You think we are interested in your apology?"...Shaurya took a step forward.

"Being a girl how can you say such filthy things about another girl. Be wise enough to do an introspection before you point your fingers on someone else."

The girl literally started crying...."I...Iam sorry...i won't repeat it sir.I shouldn't have..."

Shaurya cut her in the middle.

"And one more thing Anokhi is not shameless.If you are really interested in seeing shameless people then just look around and also have a look at yourself."

Shaurya tightened his grip on Anokhi's hand and then started moving in the other direction.

"And since you guys have got the complete information about our relationship ,you must have known by now that we are married legally. Anokhi is my WIFE. "

Shaurya stopped infront of a boy and repeated...."Got it !SHE IS MY WIFE."....he stressed every single word he spoke.He glared at him . The boy felt his heartbeat raising to an unbelievable rate per second.He almost struggled to breath not able to handle the heat of the deadly gaze fixed at him.

Shaurya stepped back literally helping the boy to stop himself from fainting.

"We both are adults and we have got freedom to choose whom to live with . That's our personal matter and none of your business . So stay within your limits. "

Shaurya took a pause and took a mental note of every single face standing there.

"I won't repeat myself again...she is officially Mrs. ANOKHI SHAURYA SABHERWAL . If you guys wanna talk something ,then talk with respect otherwise just SHUT UP AND STEP ASIDE."

No one dared to speak a single word after that. They looked at each other scared and searching for an opportunity to slip back into the class.

"So i think you guys have had enough of ENTERTAINMENT today...wanna have some more?"...shaurya said moving towards another boy who passed comments.

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