You And Me♥️

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After a good five minutes Anokhi gently pulled herself out from his embrace.

Shaurya stood there as if he is in a dream world.He still couldn't see anything.

"PS....move,let me enter."...she said.

But it was of no use.Shaurya stood there like a rock not moving an inch.Anokhi couldn't help but push him inside the room.She entered and locked the room.

A ray of moonlight barely peeped through a distant window.That was the only hope of light in his enormous room.

"Where are the switches?"

Shaurya stood there like a statue not responding. She punched lightly on his left arm and asked a bit louder.

"PS...where are the switches.Its hell dark inside!"

Finally Shaurya jerked.


He moved like some robot and turned the lights on.He turned around.The sight infront of him was unbelievable .He came forward and touched her cheeks just to ensure that he wasn't dreaming.

"What are you doing?"...Anokhi lost her patience.

Shaurya moved back immediately.

"You are real?"

Anokhi got awestruck and badly wanted to punch him on his face.

She stormed towards him.

"Where the hell is your phone?"...she asked losing her cool.

"Phone...."...he stammered.

"Haan phone...don't know what a phone is?"...she retorted.

Anokhi was ready to kill him right away. Shaurya with great difficulty accepted the fact that she was indeed there.

"What on earth are you doing here at this hour?"...he asked finally.

"That is not the answer to my question Mr.Shaurya Sabherwal."....she came more closer.

He tried to remember what she just asked.

"Haan phone!....i suppose my phone is with chachu."

"Chachu?...what is your phone doing with him?"

"Actually he took it away from me when i was feeding Badi maa.I realised it sometime back and i even thought of getting it from him right away but ,seeing the time i thought maybe tomorrow.I felt that you must have slept already."

"Slept?"...Anokhi raised her eyebrow.

She pulled him by his T-shirt.Their noses almost touched.

"Do you have any idea how many times i called you.I must have send you not less than some hundred messages.You didn't give me any reply and on top of that your phone was switched off."...she breathed.

"....after taking away my peace of mind,you thought that i must have slept...seriously?"....Anokhi boiled with anger.

"Anokhi listen...i didn't do it deliberately. Iam sorry.I thought that..."

"Shut up"...she yelled.

Shaurya pursed his lips at once.

Anokhi left his T and stepped back.She directly went and sat on the bed. Shaurya noticed that she is not in a good mood.Honestly speaking, he felt a little bit scared too but he had to convince her somehow.

He started moving towards Anokhi to give her a better explanation when he suddenly noticed a wound on her leg.

"Anokhi you are hurt."...he got concerned and ran to her at once.He knelt down and grabbed her toe.

Shakhi -REALITYWhere stories live. Discover now