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Shaurya made his way to the conference hall.He was aware about the hurricane waiting for him inside.Yet he was well prepared and took determined steps towards the door.

"You called me."

Tej looked up.Shaurya easily analysed the level of rage in his eyes.

"What have you done!!"

"May I know what are you asking me about?"...Shaurya asked casually.

"Don't act as if you don't have an idea Shaurya.It's clear that i am asking about you and that girl."

"Her name is Anokhi bade papa."....Shaurya was quick to correct him.

"Stop teaching me!I don't care what her name is. I asked you something and I need a proper answer."

"I married Anokhi."...Shaurya answered straight.

Tej got awestruck at his blunt reply.

"Whom have you asked permission before taking such a big decision?"...Tej stood up pushing back the chair he was sitting .The chair fell on the floor with a loud noise.

"Noone!I felt like doing so and I did it. I don't regret my decision."

"How dare you talk to me like that Shaurya."...Tej yelled at the top of his voice.

"Bade Papa...I don't think I did anything wrong.I got married to the girl i love."

Alok jumped in between the conversation.

"Married?...what about your family...our reputation."

" is our reputation anyway related to my marriage? I haven't done any crime!And if you are really after reputation then i must say that our reputation will soon reach heights because of our new daughter -in -law. Trust me ,I can never get anyone better than her."

"Daughter-in-law...?"...Tej smirked.

"In your dreams Shaurya. She won't step inside our house."...he said in a threatening tone.

"She will bade Papa.That house is mine as much as yours .My wife will live with me in my house."

"That is never going to happen....get that thought out of your head."

"Bade please get this thought out of your head that I will ever leave Anokhi. That is never going to happen."

Tej boiled with anger.

"How can you disrespect bhaisab like that. He has always done the best for you from your childhood and this is how you pay back for it?"

"I am not disrespecting him and I am really grateful for whatever he did for me. I am just telling him what I have decided."

"Decision? You decided and we all will obey... now that's what you think?"...Tej said losing his cool.

Alok patted his shoulder to cool him down.

"I am not asking anyone to obey....iam asking you people to stand with me, to support my decision."

"Your this decision is never going to work.Do you get that?"

"I am sorry bade papa.I respect you but it doesn't mean that you can always impose your decisions on me."

"Think whatever you want to think.I won't let that girl step inside my house and repeat the same thing that Astha Kashyap did twenty five years ago."

"Anokhi is not like her.She won't let the past repeat and I trust her on that."

"Yes of course,that girl is even more dangerous than her teacher.".... Alok took the opportunity.

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