Merry Go Round💫

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"Anokhi...for god's sake open the door!We are planning to leave today not the next month."...Shaurya yelled while knocking the door for twelfth time in the last five minutes.

"I know...just give me five more minutes."...she yelled back from their bedroom.

"Five more minutes?...What were you doing inside all this time."...he again banged the door impatiently.

She didn't respond this time.Shaurya waited for two more minutes.

"Anokhi are you opening the door or should i...."...he started again.

The next moment she slammed the door open and glared at him.

"Maa asked me to wear this saree as we are going to meet your grandparents today.I have no idea how to deal with this weird thing."....Anokhi screamed and dropped down the portion of the saree she was holding completely losing her cool.

"I just can't do this...i am going to change to something else."...she said scratching her head annoyed.

Shaurya stood there staring at her.She was wearing a red toned pure chiffon saree and was looking breathtakingly beautiful.He never saw her in a saree before.Even though it wasn't draped properly, he found her super cute.

Anokhi snapped her fingers.

"Hello sir...where are you lost?"

Shaurya came out of his world.

"No way you are going to change this."...he announced.

Anokhi looked at him confused.

"Didn't you hear what i was saying?...i don't know to drape this properly."

"No issues...i can help you."

Anokhi raised her eyebrow.

"You will help me!"...she asked not ready to believe what he just said.

"Don't underestimate me wifey."

He got inside the room and dragged Anokhi along with him.

"Now stand straight."...he ordered.

He knelt down and collected the saree she dropped.Anokhi followed his every move.She even started feeling that she is dreaming.

'My husband know how to drape a saree!'....her thoughts wandered here and there.

Shaurya stood up and started making the pleats carefully.He knelt down and arranged it along the length.He plastered victorious smile on his face on its successful completion.

"How on earth do you know to drape a saree so clean?"....she asked while examining the perfect pleats he made.

"I am so experienced wifey."....he said winking at her.

Anokhi looked at him with wide eyes. The very next moment she pulled him towards her.He dropped the saree down in the sudden motion.

"What did you just say?"...she asked in a threatening tone.

Shaurya gulped in.

"I meant that i have seen ..."

Anokhi got dumbfounded.

"Seen whom?"...she shot the next question at him not allowing him to complete.

"I have seen this in youtube."

Anokhi stepped back a little and looked at him from top to bottom.

"....and why on earth were you watching that video."

"Yash!"...he answered casually.

Anokhi stood there clueless.

"Kanchan also faced the same problem in the begining. Yash used to sit and see such videos for hours to help her.One day i gave him company and that's why i know this...nothing else.

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