Breaking the shackles...

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Okay guys I am back an 'eternity later'😌...I know...🙇and I am not planning to apologise as I know it's gonna be hard for you people...but any ways since iam back I have an 'okay kind of ' chapter with me... obviously I am not satisfied but still here it and love only for all my lovely readers❤️

"Kanchan is not going anywhere."

Everyone in the room turned around to see the source of the voice standing on the top most stair with a face full of determination.

Kanchan already knew who it would be.She smiled faintly not because her husband finally spoke for her but because Yash Sabherwal took a stand for himself for the first time in his life.

He descended the stairs looking straight at Tej Sabherwal.As he finally stood facing him ,he repeated what he said before.

Tej looked back to meet Alok's eyes who was standing there equally surprised.

"Shut up Yash!"...Alok warned as he stepped towards his son.

Kanchan smiled sarcastically while tightening her grip on her bag.

"No dad...not today."...Yash spoke not allowing him to speak any further.He then walked avoiding Tej's burning gaze to take his space beside his wife.

"Kanchan!"...he called as she wasn't ready to meet her eyes with him.He didn't get the expected result.Instead of responding,she just looked away.

"Look at her arrogance! Haven't you had enough..."...Alok blamed him taking hold of the opportunity.

"Dad one sec.."...he interrupted and forcefully turned Kanchan towards him.He then took away the bag she was holding and placed it in a corner.

He walked back towards her and joined their hands pulling her a bit towards his side.

Tej had his piercing gaze fixed on him meanwhile Alok didn't waste any time and raced towards him.

"What is this behaviour?From when did you start misbehaving with the elders of this family and that too for this middle class..."

"Bas papa!"...Yash cut him in between.

"Please think before you speak ...she is my wife!"

Everyone looked at him surprised.Yash never raised his voice in the house neither for kanchan nor for his mother.He was always a Sabherwal loyalist or may be, he acted like one.

"Waah ji waah...wife!...hum sab kon hain phir....look at your dad,your sisters, your taijii...the only person you see here is your wife..."

"Yes taujii,you are right...the only person I see here today is my wife because today it's about Kanchan.You are planning to kick her out of this house today."

Kanchan shot a glance at Yash.She could recall the situations where she badly wanted him to act like this.But still she felt fine,because it's better late than never.

"We have talked about this matter and I have taken the decision too.This girl won't stay here for a minute longer."

"Exactly my point.You took the decision.I am her husband,it's about OUR life.You people have no right to decide whether my wife would stay with me or not."

Tej passed an irritating expression at Alok.

"Only this was left to happen..."...he threw the papers he was holding on the table and turned to leave.

"Bhaisaab ek minute...let me talk to him."

Tej stopped midway crossing his arms on his back, not turning around.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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