21. Consul Alec Lightwood Bane

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!W! Use of strong language.


The lanterns hanging from the gazebo lit it like it was a royal palace making Magnus in awe. When and how his husband prepared all this, he wasn't able to process it. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he slowly turned towards his husband, the intoxicating smile making his belly flutter.

The man looked breathtakingly hot in the chocolate brown suit, like an angel sent from heaven. The only thing missing was the white, holy wings. He still wasn't able to believe that someone loved him back like he always wanted. They all left, leaving him alone to suffer. But this man, he came like a knight in shining armor and stole his heart.

"Alexander, you did so much? I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything, just enjoy the evening."

Holding hands, they walked inside the gazebo as Magnus wandered his eyes at all the decorations and gifts.

"Happy anniversary, love." Alec circled his arms around his waist and he leaned into it, inhaling the scent of chocolate perfume his husband preferred these days.

"I love you so much, darling. You have no idea how happy you make me." Magnus leaned his head back and Alec placed a soft peck on the nape of his neck.

"No, you have no idea how much I love you, Magnus. And that's why I have a surprise for you." Gently, Alec ran his long, soft fingers over his eyes, closing them in the process and turned him around. When he lost contact between their bodies, he knew his husband had something on his mind.

"Alexander, darling what are you doing?"

"Na, don't open your eyes yet, love. I'll tell you when to." Alec said. "Okay, open." He said after few minutes and when Magnus opened his eyes, a gasp left from his lips. His husband had giant silver wings beside him that were fluttering and his eyes, they were silver too. Was his husband?

"I'm immortal, love." Alec smiled brightly while tears fell on his face and he covered his mouth, trying to process what he had just witnessed.

"You're... you're immortal?" Slowly, a smile crept on his lips, followed by a burst of joyous laughter. "You're immortal, Alexander." His legs trembled as he ran to tackle him in a bone-crushing hug but before he could, those wings changed into a dull black and stood there was a man with a disfigured, flushed out face, a vile smirk creeping on those cracked discolored lips.

"You stupid warlock."

Before he could fathom what had just happened, the surroundings around him shattered into dust and a peal of malicious laughter escaped from the man's throat when he realized they were standing in a dark basement and there were chains all around his body.

"Fuck you, Kasper! I'm not scared of you. Do the fuck ever you want!" Magnus gripped the shackles around his hand so tight that his knuckles turned white. The man was leaning against the wall far away from his sight that he could only make out his silhouette but he was certain that he enjoyed his misery.

A cruel peal of laughter echoed followed by heavy footsteps. As his face came into view, Magnus's blood ran dry. It was just flesh. Dark, crimson flesh with gashes and hollow areas, some even melted that the skull underneath was visible. And those eyes, they were redder than the redness he has witnessed in his whole life, glowing in the eerie darkness. It was the same face he had seen in his nightmares months ago. Does he have the precognition of this too?

"Liked my face?" Kasper smirked and it was the most horrifying sight he had ever witnessed. Centuries of battling the darkness, nothing made him fear like this man did and it spoke of volumes. "Oh come on, warlock, Kasper doesn't like silence." He knelt down and grabbed his jaw so tight that his sharp nails dug into his skin and forced it up. "Cry, scream, tell me you fear me! Call your stupid Angel! Scream!"

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