26. Like a diamond cuts diamond.

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*Next Day*

*Evening time*

*Stormshire Mansion*

Light drizzles were patting against the window sill, followed by a cold zephyr that cascaded inside the guest room and Alec pulled up the blanket, tucking it tightly around Magnus's body who was lying on his lap as he stroked his head in soft, gentle motions.

The city was covered in the lap of darkness for hours now but it wasn't unsettling, instead, it was cozy and comfortable. Everyone was in their respective rooms, cuddled in their partner's arms, getting the most longing rest they deserved. Clary and Max had recovered from their darker states but the darkness that had settled inside their blood and mind was taking a toll on their mental states. Even for a minute or so, they were going back into being the Endarkeneds and they had to stab them again and again.

To fight that, Alec had found a way to mix the glow with their food and since then, they were slowly getting better. The little girl they rescued had been too scared to talk or so they thought until Magnus told them that she could only understand Indonesian. But even after that, she barely communicated with Magnus and right now was asleep in the bed sofa kept in their room.

A whimper stopped the chain of thoughts and Alec's gaze fell on his lap where Magnus was mumbling incoherently in his sleep, moving his head frantically all around. "err.. mnnn.. nnn.. plsss.. Al.. al.."

"Mags? Love?" Alec gently shook his shoulder.


"Love, hey..." Alec gently scratched his head, trying to calm his tormented husband, and found him leaning into his touch. A few seconds in, Magnus slowly opened his eyes, gazing all across the room. Tears were shining in those vulnerable brown eyes and Alec's heart shattered seeing him in that state again after months of recovery. The rage to kill Kasper mercilessly rose in his heart but he calmed it, being hotheaded wasn't something that could prove futile in this situation.

"Love, you alright?" He cooed and, as gently as possible, caressed Magnus's cheek.

"Alexander..." Magnus sprang up and jumped on him like a Koala, sobbing into his shoulder. Rubbing his back in a circular pattern, Alec spread his wings and wrapped them around their bodies. The cold zephyr brushing against the feathers made it tickle but he didn't care. His husband mattered to him more. "I'm sca.. scared, Kasper-"

"I won't let him touch you ever again, Magnus. You have no idea how frightened I was. If something would've happened to you or our munchkin..." He trailed off. His stomach churned at the mere thought of losing the ones he loved the most. Even though their little munchkin hadn't been born yet, he felt a kind of attachment with it that he never felt in the presence of anyone else, even Magnus.

"N..no," Magnus slowly lifted his head. Their eyes were barely an inch away and Alec could see the pain and dullness in those, they were so vulnerable and he hated it. They were meant to shine like sunlight with happiness, always. "No, it's not about that. Yes... yes, I'm scared after all that.. torture but, Alexander, Kasper, he's much more powerful than we had estimated. He had a twisted plan in his mind that I..."

A visible shiver ran through Magnus's body making his frown deepen. "What do you mean, Magnus?"

"There... there was a hidden basement kind of structure there, but not exactly a basement and in there..." He paused and screwed shut his eyes.

"Hey... breathe, it's okay if you're not ready to-"

"No! No, you need to know this."

"Okay, love, but calm down first." Alec planted a soft kiss on his forehead and Magnus leaned into it. Carefully, he rested his hand around Magnus's waist, letting him adjust on his lap. "Better?"

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