14. If aught but death part thee and me.

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"Yes, the one and only!" Rosette spoke.

"Kasper Windermere Morgenstern!"

"Morgenstern!?" Alec and Magnus spoke at the same time, eyes widened with shock as they tried to process the fact that a new threat has arisen.

"But... the book, it doesn't state that he's a Morgenstern," Alec spoke once his mind started to focus. "And neither that he's a fallen. There is no mention in there whether he died or not but all that mentioned in there is about his good deeds."

Daniel exhaled the breath from his mouth, pinched the bridge of his nose, and sat on the couch. "Alec, the book is nothing but trash. It's written by Kasper himself."

Alec's jaw dropped as he blinked rapidly to process the information. "What?"

"Yes," Dan sighed. "I found this out when we faced him the first time as the fallen. He admitted himself. He wanted glory so he created a book on himself. Most of the information about his victories are a lie, if there's something legit in it, it's only the actual facts and how and when he turned immortal."

"But," Magnus spoke, "What about being a Morgenstern? I know about many Morgensterns but never heard of him."

"That's because he's the first-ever Morgenstern, Magnus." Rosette said. "The creator of Morgenstern. Because he turned immortal, his son is known as the first Morgenstern. He was never known to exist, up until Dan and the Nightstorms became immortal and he appeared to destroy them."

"He wanted to kill us." Daniel spoke in a flat tone. "He's full of himself. When we researched about him, we found that he used to be a great shadowhunter, he wished to become immortal to defeat a dark threat they were facing at that time. But as his powers kept increasing, it got the better of him. He became a psychopath. A powerful psychopath. He fell, and when we were planning to kill him in any way possible, we found out that he's a worshipper of Satan. Not just any worshipper, he sees himself as higher than Satan.  He thinks of himself as superior. That no one should come after, he should be the one and only. He was really powerful that we couldn't kill him so we had to banish him."

Everyone was sitting on the couches once again, their posture tense and so was the environment.

Magnus' face was stern, he didn't like this. Even Lilith wasn't able to possess anyone. The residents of the once in existence Edom were really powerful, but none were able to possess him, but this Kasper was. And that was scary.

"And now he's back." Magnus said, his voice was deeper than before. "But why?" That was the same question floating in Alec's mind too, why?

"To kill us." Daniel stated matter of factly.

"I think differently." Rosette said and every face turned towards her. "I think he knows about you, Alec. Nightstorms are angels but you are a silver angel. I'm sure he's after you more than he's after us."

"And that means..." Daniel started saying but Alec cut him off.

"He's after everyone I know, my family."

"But not just your family, Alec," Daniel sighed. "He's a Morgenstern, and there's only one Morgenstern left whom he'll try to make dark just like him."

"Clary!" They all said in unison.


*NY Institute*

Weapons room, not there, kitchen, not there, ops center, not there, his own room, not there. Julian panted as he kept searching for Simon, he wanted to tell him what he heard, about that Kai, but his brother was nowhere to be found.

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