3. Further information and the Nightstorms.

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"Magnus, you can put it down. Alec, Magnus, these are Stefan Nightstorm and Brittney Nightstorm, my siblings and... the remaining immortal shadowhunters."

Magnus and Alec looked at each other with shock-filled eyes, then at their unwelcome guests.

"Wait, Your whole family is immortal?" Alec asked.

"Do we look like 'whole family' to you?" Stefan asked with mock filled voice.

"Stefan!" Daniel said in a warning tone.

"Great! Another Jace!" Magnus mumbled under his breath, which Alec heard clearly, and tried to suppress his smile at his remark.

"I'm really sorry about them," Daniel said apologetically.

"It's okay, Dan. I'm Alec Lightwood Bane and this is my husband Magnus Lightwood Bane. Sorry if I offended any of you, I just didn't know how to react to it."

"It's okay, besides it's our fault too," Brittney said and shook their hands, Stefan following her lead.

"Let's sit and talk, shall we?" Magnus said and summoned one more couch for them. Everyone seated at their places and Stefan and Brittney exchanged a look when they noticed those books on the table.

"Rosie, you weren't going through our history again, were you?" Bree asked.

"Oh yeah, kind of. Magnus needed help so I was telling him about it."

"They... are not like you both, are they?" Stefan asked.

Daniel and Rosette looked at each other than at their family, having a silent conversation with them. A look of realization dawned on them and they looked at Alec and Magnus.

"Is that what you both were doing this whole time? Training them?" Stefan asked.

"Yes, Stef. Alec is the new immortal shadowhunter and just so you know, he's a silver angel. And Magnus, well, Rose is training him to get used to his new powers."

"Oh, and why did you never introduce us?" Bree asked.

"Because they needed time to know about themselves first. I was going to by next week, but you both decided to stalk us." Daniel stated coldly.

"Umm.. just so I'm clear, how did you both break my wards?" Magnus asked, interrupting their conversation.

"Oh.. ahm.. we were following you both for some time, so... umm.. we glamoured ourselves as you both," Bree said hesitantly.

"Not creepy at all!" Alec mumbled under his breath.

"Great, now I need to reinforce them!" Magnus stated, frustratingly.

Alec cleared his throat to bring the attention back to what they were talking about. "So, Dan...? You're family?"

"Yeah, we all are immortal. I decided to become one because of Rosette, but they had their own reasons, and... you already know about Louis." Alec nodded in understanding. "After we became immortal, we thought it would be best to end the name of Nightstorms because you know well how Clave was back then. We are still shadowhunters, we still do our job, but we go by different names and work in different cities and take breaks for some years so we can continue with the cycle."

"That's understandable, I know the Clave wouldn't be on great terms if they would've learned about it." Alec said.

"So, now that you've learned about us, what were you people discussing before we interrupted you? Also, sorry for earlier Alec. I'm not that bad, I was just irritated because my brother hid things from me!"

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