Message from the unknown |chapter 4 - Cassie

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It's been two days since the mini incident, but I still can't stop thinking about Rafe. The way he looked at me with his blue ocean eyes after he beat up the dudes and they way he asked me if I was okay..Shit Cassie, no way. You don't seriously think this sociopath is attractive. "Come on girl, you know better than this." I say as I go to take my phone to check my socials, when I see ten missed calls from my dad.

 "Shit, I'm dead." 

I stayed over at John B's yesterday because Kie and Sarah didn't want to leave me alone after the incident. But, I totally forgot about my dad. I am like totally screwed right now. He is going to be so mad when he sees me. I have to think of something to tell him. If I tell him I was with Pogues the whole night, then I'll probably be the next food for insects. My dad hates the Pogues and he doesn't even know that I am friends with him. The only friend of mine he knows, is Kiara. He thinks that she's a Kook so he let's me spend my time with her. But he never really lets me stay over somewhere else besides my home. Ughhh...

"Gotta go guys, be right back." I say as a run out of the door to go see my dad. 

time skip: 20 minutes

"Shit Cassie, where were you the whole night? You know how scared I was? Are you out of your damn mind?" he said in the most loud and angry voice. Bet you can already tell what happened next. And no, I couldn't leave my house because he locked me in my freaking room. 

I stayed up in my room for the whole day, knowing that if I ask him to let me out, it will only make things worse. 

Two hours in, I was already fed up and bored to death in here.  I decided to finally call my dad from the other room, so he could open the door so I could get the hell out of here. I knocked the door calling my dad, but I heard no voice. Shit, he's not even home. What the hell is this construction job that he's barely even home. 

I was scrolling through instagram when I got a message from an unknown number. 

"Hello Cassie."

Who the hell is this..? I think while trying to recognise the number. Then I noticed their profile picture 

 Then I noticed their profile picture 

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"Rafe Cameron." I say to myself while laughing because of how goofy he looks in this picture. The boy is such a mood, but he looks so  hot. Damn girl, you're not seriously starting to like him. He is a psychopath. Ugh, I should seriously get ahold of myself. 

"What do you want Rafe" I type as I remember all the things the Pogues and Sarah told me about him.

"Relax angel I'm just checking up on you" 

Butterflies fill my stomach right when I see his message. 

"And why would you do that?" 

Why would he even check up on me. He doesn't give a shit about me.

"You know we didn't really meet in the best situation last time and I think we should meet-up and just chat, you know?"

Honestly I didn't know what to think. The Pogues were in the boat just enjoying their time in the sea, so I wouldn't want to ruin their time by calling them to come help me get out of my room. Ugh, I have nothing to lose and how bad can spending time with Rafe be? I'm desperate. 

"Okay but I need you to come get me from my room. It's locked. Please don't ask any questions. Just come." The boy is going to think my dad is a sociopath for locking his own daughter in her room with no food n shit. Well..fair enough.

"Let me put on a shirt and I'm on my way."

Wow Rafe Cameron, you did not just say that. And oh my god, why did I just imagine him shirtless. Okay I need to stop. Immediately. 

I send him my location and desperately wait for him to come.

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