Plan activated|chapter 16- Cassie

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My eyes closed I feel someone holding my hand. I open my eyes to see Sarah looking at me, definitely concerned. Holding my hand in her palms she says with a soft voice; "Hey, you're awake." she smiles. "Where am I?" I say confusingly. But for real, where am I? My head is slightly dizzy, but I feel so much better than when I was in Rafe's car. Wait, Rafe! The last time I remember, I was in his car and we were driving to John B's. "Where's Rafe?!" I ask concerned. As I raise my head, I see all Pogues sitting on a chair around me. They look shocked and surprised, as if I just killed someone. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" says Kiara in a sweet voice. "I'm okay, but where's Rafe?" I say, changing the subject to Rafe again. 

"What happened Cassie? Do you remember anything?" asks Pope. "I wish I did." I reply. "We are so sorry that we couldn't be there for you." says Kiera as her eyes tear up. "Its not your fault guys, you couldn't have known." I reply. "I got literal chills when Rafe told us about it." says Sarah. "It sounded really weird when Rafe told us about it." says John B. "You think your dad did it?" asks JJ.

 "I don't think he'd do it. At least not this much. It was probably an accident." I reply.  "Why didn't you tell us about your dad Cassie?" asks Sarah. "What could you have done anyways? I didn't want you to feel bad for me. And I'm used to it anyways." I say. "You know that's not okay, don't you Cassie?" says John B. "I know." I reply.  

"Well, as you feel well now, I think it's about the time you tell us about your little romance with Rafe." says JJ sarcastically. "Yeah, looks like you found yourself a lovebird." says John B, as he rolls his eyes. 

"Wait, how did you know-"

"Rafe told us pretty much everything." says Pope. I turn to look at Sarah who's in front of me, and she nods in a sort of upset way. "By everything, you mean what exactly?" I ask, trying to play dumb. "We mean EVERYTHING. From when you first met, to the time you got to the hospital." says Kiera. I just lean my head back on the pillow, and close my face with my hands from the embarrassment. They have every right to be mad. After all, I got together with their worst enemy. Oh my god, I'm a horrible friend. "I'm so sorry for letting you guys down, I didn't mean to betray you in any way. I just fell in love." I say as I tear drops down my cheek as I continue; "And I know how unfair I am, especially towards you Sarah. I'm really sorry." "It's okay Cassie. You didn't betray us. You just fell in love. That could literally happen to any of us. It's not your fault." says Sarah in a soft voice as she caress my hand. I turn my head to see if others object, but they all nod. A warm comfort fills up my heart.  "You guys are the best, honestly." I smile, still feeling a little guilty from hiding it from them. "Though it'd be better if you found someone better than a serial killer." says JJ, still a little pissed. "JJ, would you stop?" says Kie looking at JJ, as she flares her eyes at him. JJ just rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything.  "Why didn't you tell us in the first place?" asks John B. "Because we'd all be pissed and angry at her." Pope replies to John B. "Right." I say. 

 "Look Cassie, as much as we'd wanna support you in your relationship, you yourself know that Rafe isn't the right one. And we don't blame you for anything you did, we just want you to be able to think right. Let's put away the fact that he's a killer, and just focus on his character. As much as I know him, he's not the boyfriend you'd wanna have." Says Sarah.

"I bet he's playing her." says JJ, looking upset. "JJ!" Says Kie in a mad voice. JJ raises his hands and looks at Kie. "We're not saying he's playing you. We just don't think he's the right person. Look Cassie, Rafe needs help. He's not okay, like literally." says John B.

"We won't stop you from seeing him or do anything to cut you off from him. We are your family, and it's our job to warn you. Although we can only try to talk you out of it, the rest is still in your hands. You decide wether if you think Rafe is good for you." says Sarah.

"You wanna keep seeing him? Okay, but we won't get our eyes off of him." says JJ, looking like he seriously means it. I chuckle sarcastically as I look at JJ. 

"Let's go outside and get some fresh air. You need it the most right now Cass." says John B.

"You guys go, I'll be there in a minute." I say. As they leave, I pull Sarah's hand and she turns to my side.

"Can we talk for a second?" I ask her. "Of course Cass, what is it?" "I know that you said you were okay with me seeing Rafe, but I still think that you deserve a separate apology. After all he's hurt you so much." I say looking at Sarah.

"It's okay Cassie, I'm not mad at you. Even though it was a little hard to process it from Rafe, I still want you to be happy. It's true, he hurt me a lot. But that's not on you Cass. Now, if he ever hurts you, I'll kill that pain in the ass, alight?" chuckles Sarah as she caress my back. I chuckle back and we hug each other tightly. "Come on let's go outside and have some fun." she says as we head outside.

We spend the rest of the day on the boat and watch the sunset together, as we drink our beers. Kiera and JJ start singing together and we all sing along and dance. I feel very free and peaceful. I feel so much better now; my head doesn't even hurt anymore. 

"Hey, what are you looking at? From your facial expression I feel like you're thinking of something really deep." JJ smirks.

"I keep thinking about what happened yesterday. How in the world did I hit my head and cut my hand. It sounds so confusing, it almost doesn't make any sense." I reply to him and then continue; "I wonder when the memory of that day comes back. I need to know what happened."

JJ thinks a little bit and then as if a lamp turns on on top of his head, he goes; "Wait, you know how in movies when you need to remember something, you go back to that place." He looks at me and then continues; "Maybe you should try that."

"Oh my god JJ, it actually sounds like it could work." I reply with a surprised facial expression.

"Let's go to your home first thing in the morning, alright?" asks JJ. "Let's go? I can go on my own JJ." I say to him. "Nah, I'm not letting you go there alone until we surely know what happened. Even Rafe told us not to let you go back home. If the guys find out about our plan, they'll be mad at us, so we better keep it a secret for now." JJ replies with a smirk on his face. "Alright then, good luck to us." I say as we cheer our beer cans.

As the morning follows, I wake up with a slight headache. I get up and go to the bathroom. As I  quietly open the door of the bathroom, JJ pops up. "Good morning" he whispers with a morning voice. "You look so excited, why is that?" I ask him curiously. "It is my dear Cassie, because of our secret plan." he smirks. I chuckle as I shake my head at him and go; "Be quick. Put something on and let's go. Be quiet, you don't wanna wake up others." I whisper to him. He smiles as he nods and goes to the other room. After sometime, we get on a truck and drive over to mine. "I also need to get my car from my house." I say anxiously. JJ instantly noticing my stress, goes; "Hey you okay? You look tense." "I'm okay, it's just that I'm a little anxious about it." "It will be okay Cass, don't worry. Whatever information we find out, just know that I'll be there for you, and so will the Pogues. And your fantastic boyfriend of course." he says sarcastically. I chuckle annoyingly and go; "Thank you JJ. It means a lot to me." I smile. He nods and smiles back as we drive over my house.

As soon as I see my house which is a few feet away, I get this sudden heavy energy on myself. This bad feeling fills me up. JJ stops the car near the road, without entering my garden. As we leave the car, I see Rafe in his car, driving towards my house. He clearly didn't notice us by now. 

What the hell is going on, and what is Rafe doing near my house?

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