A night full of surprises |chapter 19- Rafe + Cassie

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I open my eyes as I try to realise what is going on. I look around and see bunch of people laying on the sofas and sleeping. "Shit." I say as I rub my eye. I feel fucking wasted right now. How come I'm still at this fucking party? What the hell happened yesterday and where the fuck is Topper. I don't remember anything. Its fucking weird because alcohol never made me lose my memory before. I try to get up, but feel my head exploding so I sit down. I take my phone out to see 10 missed calls from Cassie. Why would she call me so much? She was supposed to be at Kie's birthday party yesterday. I swipe to the right on my phone and call back Cassie. "Fuck." My phone died. I guess I better go see her in person then. But not like this. First I'll go home, take a shower and charge my phone, then I'll head to Cassie's. "She probably called to just check up on me. After all I was in a party full of girls." I think to myself as I smirk.

The first thing I do when I return home is take a shower to freshen up. Once I'm out, I wrap a towel around myself and go to my room. I plug in my phone to charge, and while it's charging I go and pick some clothes. I wanna look good for Cassie. Once I'm done getting prepared, I plug my phone out and try to call Cassie. I call her several times but it shows busy. It's alright, I'll see her in 15 minutes anyways. I grab my keys and leave. I pull over John B's place and get out of the car. As I walk towards the house, I see Topper talking to Cassie. What the fuck is going on?

"Hey, what's up with you two?" I ask as I put my hand on Cassie's shoulder. "Don't." She says as she moves away from me. "What the fuck was that Cass?" I ask her confusingly. Topper keeps listening to us and doesn't leave, which makes me angrier. "How do you have the nerves to even come here, after what happened yesterday?" she raises her voice. "What happened yesterday?" I raise my hands. Cassie shakes her head and looks away. "You messed up big time, man." says Topper. "Okay, will someone explain me what the fuck happened here?" I finally raise my voice. "This fucking happened!" she says as she shoves a picture from her phone to my face. It's a picture of me sitting in a sofa and there are two half naked girls sitting on my lap. Holy fuck-            It's me, I can't deny it. But I don't remember any of what was in the picture. She's accusing me of cheating, but I'd never cheat on her. I love her. "Speechless, huh? That's what I thought." she says as she tries to leave. I grab her forearm and pull her back. "Wait, I can explain." "Okay, I'm listening Rafe. Explain what the fuck were you on that party yesterday?" "I swear to you Cassie, I don't remember any of this." "Right, cause you were too drugged?" "No, I wasn't. I didn't take shit yesterday." "Oh, so you cheated with a right mind, is that what you're saying?" she says with a mad voice. "No Cassie, it's-, how did you even get that picture?" "It was sent to my phone yesterday when I was at Kie's birthday. If Topper wouldn't take a picture of you, I'd never know you could cheat so easily." I see her eyes tearing up. "What the fuck Topper? You invited me to this fucking party, you know I never did anything with those girls." "I know it's hard to accept that you've been caught with such thing, but I couldn't hide that from Cassie. She deserved to know the truth, man." "Oh please Topper don't act like a fucking knight in shining armour. Cassie, listen to me." I say as I grab her hand. "I never did anything with any of these girls. You have to believe me." she removes her hand and goes; "I believe my eyes Rafe. You disgust me. You piece of shit. Go do what you want with these girls but don't come to me, ever." She says as I tear drops down her cheek. "Cass, wait!" I try to grab her arm but Topper stops me with his hand. "Slow there." "Fuck off Topper, you know I didn't do shit." I say as push his hand and go towards Cassie. "Leave me alone Rafe." she says and leaves, without turning to look at me. I stop going after her because I know she's not gonna talk to me, so what's the point. 


Time: 6 PM

I still can't believe it. Was that honestly all I meant to him? I let him to a party once, and he managed to fuck it up. Or maybe I was just another toy that he got bored of and decided to renew it. "Fuck, I still can't comprehend this.." I say as I put my hands on my head. "How you holding up Cass?" Sarah pat my shoulder. "My heart aches, Sarah." I say as I look at her. "I gave him all of me, I told him things I haven't told anyone else. I mean shit Sarah, we went through a lot together. I just didn't think he could throw it all out like that." I say as tears drop down my cheek. "Aww, don't cry Cassie, you're gonna make me cry too." she says as she hugs me tight. "I just thought it was different with him, you know? I thought he was the one-" "Hate to break it to you Cass, but Rafe is never the one." says JJ. "JJ, stop. It's not the right time." Kie says to JJ. "No it's okay, he's right. Rafe wasn't the one I guess..." I say as another tear drops down my face. I suddenly get a notification. I wipe my tear off as I grab my phone. "Its Topper." "What does he want?" asks Sarah. "Uh, I don't know." I say, breathing out heavily. "He's asking if I wanna go out to clear my mind." "Nah, you're not going with Topper. No way." says JJ. I lightly chuckle. "Right, of course." I reply. Soon, JJ and Kie leave, which leave me and Sarah alone. "Do you think I should go?" "I don't know, Topper's an asshole." she replies. "I was hoping, maybe I could ask him more about yesterday, since he's been there and stuff. I feel like talking about it makes me feel easier, you know? Plus I couldn't even properly talk today because of Rafe." "If you think it's gonna make you feel any better, then you probably should. But one call, and I'm right there." she winks. "Thank you Sarah, I'll go put something on then." "Alright," she smiles. 

I met Topper at around 8 PM. We came to this huge bar in Kooks' place. As we sat, he ordered us some drinks. "How you holding up after the recent news?" he says patting my arm. "Well, as you can see, I'm still trying to process it." "I understand you, it's pretty tough." "It sure is." I say as I take a huge sip of my drink. "Its just that I wonder why, why did he do it, you know?" I chuckle sarcastically. "I wish I knew, it was as shocking to me as it was to you." "Really?" "Yeah, I feel like you guys were the power couple you know? People talked about you." "WOW, wish I could them how fake love actually was and how Rafe successfully proved it to me." I chuckle as I take another huge sip. "Going a little too fast?" he smirks and takes a sip of his drink. "Nah, I need to stop thinking about him. Can I have one more please?" "As you wish Cassie." he takes another sip. "So who were these girls? Like do you know them? Can you tell me everything from the beginning till the end?" "Aren't you being a little paranoid? A second ago you told me you wanted to forget him and now-" "Cut it Top, just tell me all you know." I take another sip of my drink. "Okay so I actually know these girls. We used to go to school together." "And Rafe too?" "Yeah, Rafe too." "Go on." I say as I relax into the chair. "I saw them standing near the bar and having drinks. They all looked happy chatting. And then someone called me, so I went away. Once I came back I saw that," he says pointing to the phone with his head. "and that's when I decided you should know about it." For some reason, I didn't want to believe Topper. But why would he lie about it. I guess I just had too high expectations about Rafe. "Hey, you don't look well. You good?" he said touching my cheek. I felt my cheeks burning up. It suddenly felt really hot. "No, yeah I'm good, I'm fine it's just hot in here." I say taking off my jacket. My head felt super dizzy for some reason. I probably had too much to drink. But do I care? "One more of this please." I say to the barmen. "You have too much, you're gonna feel bad." says Topper smiling while looking at me." "I don't think I'll get worse than this." I chuckle. He chuckles too; "Then I guess I'll have one more as well." he points to the barmen. While we talk, my mind keeps wandering off to Rafe and that freaking picture. "Why didn't you stop him Topper?" I get a serious face. "You think I didn't? He kept pushing me away. He was out of control-" "Okay enough, I've had enough." my eyes tear up. "You know Cassie, Rafe isn't the only boy in this town." he says as he grabs my hand and moves closer. "I would treat you so much better than him." "What are you saying Topper, you're definitely too drunk." I chuckle as I move back from him. "He doesn't deserve you. This is what he is. He is a person who goes to parties and hooks up with random people. Trust me, I know Rafe." I look at him completely numb, and my eyes are almost closing. "I think I should get home now. I try to get up but fall back down. "I thought we were enjoying ourselves. Why rush?" he smirks. "I just don't feel good, I'm pretty nauseous. I didn't even have that much to drink." I say slowly, barely managing to talk. I need to go and wash my face. "I gotta use the bathroom, if you'll excuse me." I say as I get up. "Let me help." "Okay." 

He helps me get to the bathroom and I rinse my face. Did it help? No. I put my hand on the sink and look at myself in the mirror. Shit girl, you're wasted. "Can I come in?" asks Topper behind the bathroom. "Yeah."  He enters the bathroom and I turn to get a towel to dry my face. While I do that, I hear the door of the bathroom locking. "Uh, what..did..you, I.." "Shh, it's okay." "I can't stand properly, I'm-" "Careful there." he says as he holds me before I manage to fall. I sit down on the bathroom floor and go; "As far as I know, alcohol shouldn't make you feel this bad. What was in that fucking drink?" I shake my head. "I might have added something your boyfriend likes very much." he smirks. "What?..You drugged me? Why would you do that Topper, I-" I try to get up but he grabs my hand; "I thought you wanted to clear up your mind. I thought I'd help." "I didn't ask you to do this, I.." What did you do Topper? I can't function clearly. My vision's blurry too. When I tried Rafe's drugs, I didn't feel this way. This fucker must have used too much on me. Fucking Topper. "It's alright, Cassie." he says as he moves his hand on my leg. "Don't touch me Topper." "Okay, sorry." he raises his hand. "We're both drunk Cassie, why not have some fun? You were so friendly with me back at the bar, you know and even when you agreed to hangout, I thought-" "Is this why you overly drugged me? So I get unconscious and hook up with you? You've got the wrong impression Topper. I don't like you." "Maybe this will change your mind?" he says as he kisses me. "Fuck Topper!" I push him back with my hand and lean my head to the bathroom wall. "Shit I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Cassie. I just thought maybe you like me too-"

Suddenly, the door in the bathroom shuts open and Rafe with Sarah enter in a rush.

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