Rescuing Cassie|chapter 5 - Rafe

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I take off my sunglasses and stare at the house as I close the door of my car. An ordinary two floored house with white walls and a brown door. "Nice." Definitely not a Kook's house but its not bad either. I was wondering one thing. How did a Pogue family manage to purchase a two floor house? Where do her parents work? I should get going, she is waiting for me. 

I'm wearing a thin yellow shirt with some colourful shorts plus a random cap. Simple yet attractive. I know she's going to like it. 

I knock the door a couple of times but I neither hear nor feel anyone on the other side of the door. Shit, her parents aren't home. What the hell did you do to get yourself locked up Cassie I think to myself. I try opening the door of the house to see that it's locked. I could easily break it but I don't want to cause Cassie any trouble. Come on Rafe, think a bit. I decide to check the other sides of the house to notice a blue door. I open it an it leads me right into the kitchen. I slightly chuckle; They must have forgotten to lock it.  The kitchen looks pretty good even though its not that big. The small recessed light on the ceiling looks just like the one we have in our kitchen. Everything is located nice and accurately. Her mom must be the one to do all of this.

 I take a minute to go check out the house when I feel my phone ding in my pocket. I take it out to see a message from Cassie.

"Why aren't you still here? I'm starving." 

This stupid idea comes to my mind when I see the message. Why not to scare her.

"Almost here." I text her back while slowly going upstairs. I try not to make a noise and be as quiet as possible. Along 3 doors I notice the one that's locked. "There it is." I quietly say to myself  as get closer to her room. The key is in the door which makes things so much easier. I start hitting the door in a crazy yet accurate way so I don't damage it, hoping to get her scared. 

"Dad is that you?" she says in a desperate way. Hmm.. doesn't sound like someone who just got scared.

"Its Rafe but you can call me daddy if you wish to" I say as I smirk looking down the door.

"Not funny, get me the heck out of here."

"I'm on it" I say as I turn the key and open the door. 

The first thing that caught my attention was the smell of her room. This smell feels similar, like I have already smelled it before. The light scent of vanilla fills up my nose. Right, I remember. This is how she smelled at the party. Stop it Rafe I say to myself in my head. You came here for a mission, not to talk about her odour. But its so nice..Shit Rafe, pull yourself together.

 Standing behind the opened door I see her sitting in her bed with two legs crossed and a phone in her hand. She looks really tired. As she raises her head, I notice her bruised neck. At first I think its a hickey but then realise that it doesn't look like one. I know how they look like, after all I've given a lot myself. My face turns bold as I notice the finger marks on her neck. Somethings off. I decide not to ask her anything just yet.

"Ugh finally you're here." she says while getting out of the bed. 

I step in her room still confused on what happened to her neck.

"Yup" I say back trying to put on a fake smile on my face. 

She is wearing a red shirt with lots of white flowers on it with a pair of basic shorts. The shirt is only tied in the middle which lets me see her tanned chest and belly through it. Why is it suddenly getting so hot in this room I think as I look at her.

 Why is it suddenly getting so hot in this room I think as I look at her

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"I have to brush my hair real quick." she says as she enters the bathroom keeping the door open. 

I take a tour around her room. The brightness of the sun has filled up the whole place. The pictures on her wall catch my eyes. I then notice a photo of child standing in front of a cake filled with thousand candles and smiling with her teeth. I take a look at the man and a woman hugging her as they smile for the picture. I assume it's her birthday and the people standing are her parents. She looks just like her mom. "So adorable" I say to myself while still looking at her picture. She looks so happy and innocent not having a single idea of how scary life ahead of her will be. I sigh. Its pretty weird, I've never seen them around. Well they're Pogues how could I have seen them, I realise while turning my head from side to side and looking at the other pictures. All the other pictures are wether with her dad, some old lady (which is most likely her grandma) or her friends. Just a single picture with her mom. Her mom must be camera shy then.

"Hey why is there only a single picture with yo-" I try to ask as she cuts me off and completely ignores my question.

"I'm ready let's get going" She says as she grabs her phone and leaves her room. I follow right back.

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