Chapter 3: Levi

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Chapter 3:

Loquacious. Now some people talk. Some people babble. Some people even speak only in riddle. And then there was Mark the perfect mix of white sound and actual advice. Most of Mark's words fell deaf to the ear filled with little to no reason or actual plan. But with that being said Mark was known for one-liners of inspiration. His advice wasn't sought after by neither king nor queen - except for the occasional homecoming queen. Mark's words of pure reason only peaked the interest of meak, mellow men like me. The freshman football players thought of Mark as their God in everything. God of football, God of party, and most importantly God of woman or sluts to be in fact.

"Levi, you should have seen her," Mark started up again. The last fifteen minutes of my life consisted of how flexible Denise was and how if Mark could speak Spanish he would have sacked Denise's Abuela too. "She looked like a damn pretzel when I was done with her."

"Yeah," I said for nearly the hundredth time tonight.

"And her grannie..." Mark mused.

"Abuela," I corrected as I finally found a parking spot in the busy Da Vinci parking lot.

"Sure sure Abuela," Mark threw his hands up, "I would have fucked the Abuela too if I had got the chance."

"Well..." I sighed. The image of Mark fucking an 80 year-old Abuela on the verge of a retirement home made my stomach churn.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I'm legal and she's a cougar," Mark began to climb out of the truck. I climbed out soon after and grabbed my robe.

"Yeah right," I just agreed because I didn't need to argue with Mark. Mark never saw reason. Arguing with Mark was as good as talking to the wall.

"See you would have banged her too," Mark cheered as he threw on his cap and robe over this blue dress shirt his mom forced him to wear with his pair of signature Jordans.

"Never said that," I laughed it off and threw on my robe. I rummaged through the truck in search of my speech. "Shit.." I almost hissed. The speech was no where to be found. I must have left it on my desk at home.

"What?" Mark looked up from checking out the Lopez sisters who happened to always shoot down Marks many advances.

"I left my speech at home," I ran my hand through my boring brown hair.

"Have your mom bring it then," Mark being the biggest mama's boy, always fell back on the suggestion of having his mom fix every one of his whims.

"And receive a lecture on how to be more responsible," I began to pace. Pacing came natural when I was nervous. Some people tap their fingers. Then some people bite their nails. Some people sweat, but I just pace.

"Forget about the speech Levi. Are you coming to my party tonight?" Mark muddled. Mark hasn't stopped talking about this party for weeks. It was going to be his final blowout of high school, but still I didn't have time to discuss whether or not I could bring the beer.

"I am. Now shut up and help me," I began to dig through the truck again.

The click of heels filled my ears as Mark's voice drowned out to nothingness. The same sound I fell in love with months ago approached me from behind. As I turned to continue to pace she stopped in front of me. Veronica, the tall cinnamon soul snatcher stood simply before me.

"Someone's nervous," Her sweet yet vile sing-song voice filled my ears.

"Who cares?" I stepped around the blazing beauty only to be stopped by her perfectly manicured hand on my chest.

"Don't be like that Vi," She pleaded only with her voice as her eyes still held that level of heartlessness from our break up.

"Don't call me Vi," I spued with venom on my tongue.

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