Chapter 11: Levi & Anonymous

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Chapter 11:


Maybe. Who really knows the answer? They say someone has the answer sheet. That our decisions our merely maybes because everything could change at the blink of an eye. Saying Yes or No is never a promise. They are really just maybes.

Free will will always be challenged. Right or wrong. Yes or no. Ultimately everything you do is weighted in maybes. Maybe I will say yes. Maybe I will say no. It's all wishy washy unpromised maybes.

With parents who betted in maybes. Friends who were just living and breathing maybes with no real answer. I grew accustomed to that maybe lifestyle.

Now the girl who sat merely inches beside me only knew the word maybe. Her mother said maybe. I couldn't offer the girl who needed a yes a maybe now could I?

So I began, "I uh well wait. I don't know what to say." Great job Levi, I thought to myself.

"You don't have to say yes. I'm sorry for asking," Anonymous sighed out fidgeting with the list in her mitts.

"No I just was speechless. Hey, I can help you," I reached to sooth her shaking hands.

"I know you can, but do you even want to?" She asked withdrawing herself from my reach.

"I want to...maybe," Damn that fucking word.

"I can't accept a maybe. I need to know if you can and want to help me Levi," She hopped off the air conditioner.

"I didn't mean it. I just don't know the logistics about this," I let my head hang.

She looked over her shoulder catching my stature in her gaze before she spoke, "Levi, what logistics? The logistics of the list or the logistics of us?"

"Both," I sighed out, "I mean we just met. Aren't you worried you're going to hate me after only knowing me for one night?"

"I could never hate you. You are the only person who looked at me and saw me. The real me," Her words sat still in the air between us.

Everything fell admist. Words felt useless. I read her expression and she read mine. With nothing left to say I nodded. Anonymous knew exactly what I meant as she pulled me into her arms placing the list beside me on the air conditioner.

My lips were merely inches away from her ear as I whispered, "Yes..."

Three letters strung together sealing together an infinite promise. Maybes were made for worrywarts. And no was built for cynics. Then yes dealt only with hopefully dreamers.

Maybe I'm a dreamer.


Shit. Holy shit. To think that when I woke this morning I was as blue as the sky. So damp and alone like a grey speckled cave wall.

Yes. I heard it in my core. That word meant more to me than anything. All of these years. All of these days. Every minute of everyday waiting for this word. But here he was my promise. My crazy one night then forever dream.

Now he wasn't like any of the guys who caught my eye before. His middle name wasn't 'danger'. He didn't smoke or ride a motorcycle. He wasn't here to hump and dump. Levi was Levi. Now I don't know the definition, but I know that it's different.

As the wind swayed against my shaking legs, Levi pulled away allowing me to take in his shit brown eyes for the first real time. His peachy lips pulled up into some type of cheesy grin I have yet to understand.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked finally pulling out of his reach.

"When do we start?" Levi asked allowing his voice to shake in some ungodly manner. In one fail swoop I shoved the list into my bag.

"Now,tomorrow, soon..."

"Anonymous...What is the biggest thing on the list we must complete?"

I want to.... I began to think, but my words fell flat because it is hard to choose when the list is infinite. But then again I know the crux of my missions all begin and end with one person.

My mother.

"Levi, help me find my mother," My words painted the air like honey in tea.

"I will, but I want to know one thing in return," Levi spoke scratching the back of his dumb neck.

"My name?" I knew the God damn question. I mean who wouldn't. This guy won't let up on a damn name.

"Yes," He hung his head like he always did. Levi either smiles or hangs his head. Never in between with this boy.

"I'll make you a deal. The minute I'm hugging my mother you will know my name."

"Deal, can we start tomorrow?" Levi spoke diligently.

"Pick me up at dawn," I nodded slowly creeping back towards the fire escape to skate down the building.

"I'll be there," Levi let out with a wave.

"YOU DON'T SUCK LEVI ROADS. I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW," I called out as I shimmed down the ladder.

Some believe in fairytales, now I bet in mysteries. Finding out truths. Solving puzzles. I'm a walking mystery. A contradiction to the static system. Or so I've been told.

Some call me an individual and others call me a bottle black bitch. Maybe no one is ever really right. Maybe we just suck it up and hide in our own problems. I shrugged letting out a final breath.

This is why fairytales don't exist. I'm no Cinderella. I'm not prick my finger and awaken because some sloppy boy kissed me. I don't have a tail or extremely long hair. But I do have a story. It's long and ugly and mysterious. I am a mystery. We are a mystery. Everyone is a mystery.

My feet stumbled along the cobble stone as I floated back towards the flower shop. That awkward stretch limo sat there waiting for Levi. I waved at the chubby driver who was bitching away at someone on the phone. I don't see the Road's car waiting around anymore. I just sigh.

Maybe. It will be okay. He said yes. Now I must breath as I relax in the promise. Maybe...just maybe... life will be alright...maybe.



Thanks for reading the chapter. If you liked it please vote and comment. I'm having a blast writing The List. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll post another chapter someday.

I'm sorry for such a late update. I was uninspired. Then last night an amazing girl allowed me to remember my characters. Thank you. You know who you are. I will be updating someday soon. Anonymous has recently slapped me across my face. I apologize for the rushed writing. Thank you for reading my story.

With much love and admiration to everyone who is throughly enjoying the list please consider writing your own list. Top five things you want to see or do in this world. Who you want to meet? Places you seek to see? Things you are dying to find?

If you could put anything on The List, what would you write down?

Write me your list.

Until next time- K@

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