Chapter 4: Levi

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Chapter 4:

Mundane. Walk across the stage. Grab paper. Smile stupidly. Sit down. Repeat. At least five hundred students have gone through this stupid repetitive motion of graduation. Each like a sweeping chess piece in the finishing moves of education.

Why can't tonight just be over? At least we have reached the V section of the alphabet of students. Varello, Valentino, Venti, Veto, Veranda, Vines. Men stomp. Woman float. Each moving awkwardly across the graduation stage. The eyes of my fellow students were filled with tears. Probably because they're tired. I mean we've been sitting out here for hours.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The time seemed to slow as Mr.Viktor read the names into the mic. Several students strolled across the stage. With each student there was a small cheer and roar from the crowd. I could careless how many students saunter across the stage because nonetheless I'm still sitting next to Veronica. Sure Veronica smelled like vanilla and roses dipped in cinnamon. Yet Veronica was just stone-hearted. A sheer heartless bitch wrapped in such a beautiful and sweet package. Drop dead Veronica. Maybe I'm just bitter.

Twenty more students. Silent whispers filled my ears of Mark's typical let's get wasted and bang palooza. Mark through the same parties every year since Freshman year. Homecoming, every major holiday and as always the end of the year party which usually left people regretting the whole night. Mark as never a real invite only guy He was more like if you heard about it come on over. My beer is your beer and so on. So as always Mark's party will be packed to the brim with random strangers. I wasn't worried about the strangers as much as the cinnamon beauty beside me.

Ten more students. The Y's and the Z's of the alphabet sauntered slowly across the stage. Each grabbing the damn paper representing their last four years. Finally only five students. I wish I could drive them across that stage faster. Zoey Aaron's must hate being the first name in the alphabet. But, Alex Zanze must hate being the last name in the alphabet too. Road's isn't that bad. When I think of the two extremes.

Nothing is ever so bad when you think of the two extremes. Extremes make everything seem easier in the moment. Usually when I take tests I think of the extremes of failing and passing. If I were to ace the test, I could pass the class, graduate high school, become the youngest CEO of a large company, make a shit ton of money, money equals woman, then I get a trophy wife who never cares about having children and is basically one of the guys. That's the dream, but on the other end of the spectrum if I were to fail I would end up living off of my parents alone. Maybe a cat or two,but I would have to get rid of the cat because my mom is allergic. Extremes put life into perspective.

My.Viktor rounds the podium yet again. Thrusting each of his fists in the air he monotonously murmurs, "The Class of 2015!" With those final four words the students and onlookers began to go batshit. The caps soared into the sky at a rapid speed. The cheers and laughter poured from around me. This feeling and moment was like none other. I have had three graduations before this one and I still have one to come. Kindergarten was nothing compared to Sixth grade and Sixth grade was nothing compared to Eighth grade. So to round it out. Eighth grade was nothing compared to this graduation.

The audience began to charge on the field in hopes of squeezing their loved ones to death. Cheek pinching, Mazel Tovs, Good lucks flowed around me. Flowers, teddy bears, new cars, old cars, laptops,money were being passed and exchanged throughout the crowd. I caught sight of my unbelieveable petite mother in the crowd of chaos. In her flanks were my father and Paige. There hands bared no gifts, but their faces all told a separate story. My mother was giddy. Maybe even reminiscing to her own graduation. My father seemed indifferent. He knew i was going to graduate high school when I started reading Shakespeare at the age of five. Paige seemed annoyed by the whole experience as if she lost some bet and was forced to attend my graduation. She tapped away on herself phone barely paying attention to the direction she was walking in.

"There's my college boy," My mother pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. She might have been a petite little thing, but she had the strength of a cobra.

"Here I am," I forced a smile for her.

"What's the plan Bug?" My mother chirped pulling out of the hug and falling back to the side of my father. My dad instantly snaked his arm around her waist.

"I think I'm going to head over to Mark's house after this," I fiddled with my diploma between my fingers.

"Party?" My dad asked. My dad was the Mark of his high school. Captain of the Football and Basketball team. All around ladies man. Sort of a dick.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Right on," My dad grinned almost pleased by my answer.

"So I can go?" I asked.

"Sure Bug, but don't drink and drive." My mother spoke with her forehead scrunched together as she contemplated the idea.

"I won't."

"Also there are condoms in the glove compartment in the truck," My dad added only earning a slap from my mom and a gagging sound from my sister. "What? You don't want him to get a DUI and I don't want him to get an STD."

"Bill," My mother sounded cross.

"Jean." My dad retorted.

"Are we done yet?" Paige partially peered up from her phone.

"Give your brother a hug and then we are going to go," My mother looked at Paige who simply rolled her eyes and stepped towards me. I enveloped Paige in my arms giving her a tight squeeze before releasing her.

"Now are we done?" Paige asked looking back at my mom. My mother nodded and her blonde hair shook.

"I love you Bug," My mother beamed once again before taking my fathers hand dragging him off of the field with Paige following like a lost sheep. Across the field I saw Mark talking to Mr.Viktor and Coach Munch animatedly. I made my way in their direction. When Mark saw me he quickly excused himself.

"Party time!" Mark bellowed across the field. I breathlessly chuckled at his childish antics.

"Let's go then," I began to head towards the parking lot.

"Sorry Mark we will be unable to make your graduation, but here is the credit card buy yourself something nice," Mark began to mimic his fathers voice perfectly. Business trips and couples retreats were an everyday thing for Mark. By the time Mark was fourteen he was used to taking care of himself. He was raised by a nanny all of his life. until he simply outgrew the nanny. The minute he started hitting on the nanny it was over. So these parties were never supervised because Mark was never supervised.

"Are you sure they'll be fine with this?" I ask as we reach the truck.

"Who cares," Mark shrugged as he climbed into the truck. I climbed in soon after. Mark turned on the radio which was still playing some kids station. The sounds of the Cheetah Girls played through the speakers. "What no High School Musical?"

"Paige did it," I explained. Mark just chuckled and changed the station while tapping the tune on the window.

I lazily started the car and exited the parking lot. The road twisted and was filled with traffic as I drove to Mark's house. Mark only lived two miles from school. We waded through the traffic at a decent pace. We spoke no words. No need for words. A comfort silence. I have absolutely no idea how I'll waste away my summer with Mark gone. Mark and I always are together in the summer, but he won't be here this year. I'll probably be stuck interning for my mother. Horray! I wish I could just escape the world this summer. Maybe not the world, but maybe at least this town. Just pack up and go for the summer. Just take a break from reality. Especially before reality and the real world set in.



Thanks for reading the chapter. If you liked it please vote and comment. I'm sorry that this isn't on a Monday and that it is a week late, but it's better late than never. I'm going to try and update twice this week to get back on track. I love you. I was never expecting more than 5 reads on this story so it means alot to me. I would also like to thank my dear friend Esther [ @enclosure ] for making the cover and my dear friend Kat [ @KatLillington ] for making the banner.

Until next time- K@

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