Chapter 1: Levi

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Chapter 1:


Who knew the year would float by like a leaf in the sky? That my high school career would be coming to an end. When you show up four years ago no one sits you down and describes the nitty gritty ending of high school. They describe the endless friendships, the drunken parties, the slutty chicks, maybe the occasional queen bitch, but they never tell you that all of that comes to a halt the last week, That everything you built the last four years was a waste.

A waste I tell you.

The house seems silent, but it never truly is here. There is always buzz. If it isn't for the phone, it's my mother swiftly typing away at her laptop planning the next big wedding, or it's my little sister gossiping about the new romance at her middle school, or my father grumbling over some sports game. I looked around my dimly lit room in search of entertainment.Knowing full well my best friend, Mark, is probably fucking some random chick I didn't bother trying to text him. I've seen every movie I own and I've read every book on my desk. So there goes my entertainment. I could feel the time ticking away in my soul.

Seeking release from the cage of my room, I headed to the living room and found my Dad fumbling with the remote in an attempt to turn on the idiotically humongous flat screen he had insisted on buying last Black Friday. He gave me a quick nod before he headed to the kitchen to grab his midday beer. Stalking down the hall to my Mom's office I found her tucked behind her desk typing away on her laptop as always.

"There's my almost college boy," She beamed looking up at me and letting her southern accent flip in ever so casually. My mother was quite a looker at her age. She had a choppy blonde bob that fell loosely around her tiny apple-shaped head. Her eyes were a sea like blue, but you could never see her eye to eye because she is so petite. Like seriously she is shorter than the average 5th grader.

"Can your almost college boy," I pinched my own cheek which made her giggle lightly pulling at her already aging skin, "borrow the truck?"

"Will you be back for graduation tonight?" Her eyebrows scrunched together the same way they always do when I ask her something.

"I was thinking I could just drive myself and meet you there," I fiddled away with the hem of my shirt.

"That doesn't seem to be a problem," She nodded, " You can't be late though you're class president and you have a speech."

"I promise I won't be," I began to back out of the room.

"I LOVE YOU BUG!" My mother hollered from her constant post behind her desk. My mind twisted and flipped over the word bug. I have been bug since I ever learned how to walk. You'd think that within 17 years you would lose a nickname. But, I guess it just stuck. At least it's better than stinker or cumbucket. Which was Mark's nickname for his last thirteen one night stands.

I stomped back through the kitchen to see my little sister, Paige perched up on the counter texting away on her iPhone. Paige didn't even move when I walked in so I gave her a quick wave and grabbed the keys off the wall before swinging by my room to grab my stupid green graduation gown. Finally I made my way to the garage and climbed into the beat up pick up truck.

A destination seemed pointless. I seeked something greater than a simple GPS route. Backing out of the driveway I sped down the street passing several houses, the occasional fast food restaurant and the library I volunteer at regularly. I made a left and got on the freeway. Making my way downtown. We never lived to far from downtown being that is was so close to the football stadium. The radio played to some dumb station my sister probably set up. Being to lazy and too focused on the road to care I left it, but I'm pretty sure I just heard Justin Bieber.

The freeway seemed empty. Like it was just me. Which was nothing new to me. Being alone recently seemed to be the only solution. Well that is at least what the love of my life, Veronica came up with a week ago. After a year of being attached at the hip Veronica decided that we were no longer meant to be. No discussion about it. Just a clean break. 'No anesthesia', she whispered to me before she walked away. Which isn't clever. It's from a tv show. Which doesn't surprise me, Veronica was never original. She was beautiful yet incredibly plain. If everyone else liked it, Veronica liked it too. Which I found comfort in actually. There were no surprises. She loved the romantic tumblr worthy stuff. Her favorite movie was obviously Love Actually and she verified her love for Autumn because all of her girlfriends love Autumn. My only real dilemma is that I'll have to sit by her tonight at graduation. Our last names fall in order.

When I see my exit I pull off the freeway and start making my way into old downtown. Old downtown has tons of antique,trinket little shops. Back before my mother started her career in wedding planning she would bring me to these shops. There's a pay-stall parking lot about a block from the shops. I pull into a parking spot and park before I get out of the old truck. The sun was slightly overcast by the huge cloud coverage. The shops are all painted a different color of the rainbow with big store windows and minute displays to draw you in. There isn't much glamour to these shops. Within minutes I'm consumed by the understated beauty of the shops. There's something about them that is ineffable. Although they are just literally paint and walls, I can see that they each have stories. If only walls could speak.

Zoned out and amazed I shuffle down the cobblestone pathway in front of the shops. The past four years flicker through my head. Freshman year was filled with poor athletic attempts which in turn brought me my bestfriend. Sophomore year was filled with a serious height advantage and more popularity. Junior year was definitely the year of the partying and girls. I meet Veronica that year too. Oh Veronica. Senior year was my best year. The year in which I left it all on the table. The year...

"OUCH!" Shaking out of my day dream I looked down at this mousy girl who had fallen into my arms with her lips pulled into a tight line. Her cheekbones were soft which were a strong contradiction to her pixie cut black hair. She looked as if she had just consumed fire with the anguish she held in her fiery green eyes.

"Sorry," The words inaudibly formed in my mouth as I held her tightly to my body.

"You can let me go now," She almost squeaked squirming in my arms.

"Sorry," I sighed as I released her.

"Save it," She huffed loudly before turning on her heel. Her narrow hips swung as she walked away turning the corner into the unforeseen. Everything about her instantly washed the already unique setting away. She was nothing I've ever seen before. She was purely mystery riding into the night on ambiguity.


Dumb fucking boy with ugly brown eyes and stupid feet. F*ck you for scuffing my boots and holding onto me like a damn trophy. I rustled around the corner and shoved my key into the florist door lock. My Ma owns the shop and has for as long as I can remember.



Thanks for reading the chapter. If you liked it please vote and comment. I'm also working on a cast any suggestions would be nice. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll post another chapter on Monday.

Until next time- K@

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