Chapter 13: Anonymous

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Chapter 13


How did I get here? I'm not talking big bang, God dropped me here, egg before chicken bullshit. I mean how did I allow myself to climb into this smelly ass truck with a guy shaped like a french fry. Levi's eyes rarely left the road which gave me time to watch him. Time to take in his good, his bad and his ugly- well not so ugly face. He had a nose that cut his face in half. Bushes for eyebrows. A few offset beauty marks. Shitty eyes. Well not shitty, but they were the color of shit. This deep brown, hazel-ish color which lit up like a candle everytime he smiled.

Stupid! stupid boy, I thought as Levi caught me staring at him. He gave me that same damn smile. Or was it a smirk? Was he smirking at me? Was he mocking me? With his big boy brain and ugly mug. I want to tell him to stop staring, but at the same time I don't want him to.

"There's a gas station up there on the left," I finally broke our awkward staring contest and grumbled as I faced forward.

"Right...yeah," Levi twisted around quietly and went through the stop light.

It was a gusty day. Although the sun had crisped the pavement. The wind sailed slowly over the silent city. The mornings were always mildly somber. They brought back memories of my cheery, go lucky mama. With her million watt smile and ability to make the room spin like a top.

Everyone loved my mama. Which made perfect sense when you think of how she landed with that no good, loser we called my father. Hell, no one knew what she saw in him. If my mother could have only married a good man. A man willing to always protect you, love you and realize your needs. To bad there are only a few good guys left. Hopefully I meet one someday.

Thankfully the gas station was nearly empty when we pulled in. Levi pulled up by the pump. We climbed out of the truck.

"What soda do you like?" I asked, but was met with a curious gaze.


"What soda should I get you?" I asked again.

"I uh didn't know we were getting soda," Levi shrugged.

"Well I was thinking soda, Dorito's and some candy would make for a good breakfast," I ran a shaking hand threw my choppy hair.

"You're full of surprises Houdini," Levi shook his head at me.

"Well just call me Harry," I flat lined at the boy. Stupid boy.

"Harry it is," He gave me that bright smile. Stupid fuckïng boy. He's got to stop looking at me like that.

"Soda?" I asked again turning on my heel because gazing at that smile is like looking at the sun. Now I'm no doctor, but damn that's not good for the pupils.

"Mountain Dew," He called after me as I walked in the gas station.

Now I only know this gas station because it's Ma's favorite. She swears by this station. It's owned by her friends from some old thing she used to do. Either school or roller derby. Their grandson actually works counters. Wylie, the grandson, actually stole my first kiss. We were about 12 or 13 and he forcefully kissed me. Didn't really mind it. I start to gather the snackage when Wylie waves at me. I think he never got over that weird middle school crush.

"You," He said in that butter-like Italian accent. It was smooth I'll tell you. You could spread his voice on bread.

"Wylie Coyote," I awkwardly waved the Dorito's back at him as I grabbed a bag of gummy bears.

"Road Runner!" He ran his hand through his hair nonchalantly. I could see Levi standing out by the pump.

The station was so old that the counter was about a foot across by 8 inches wide and Wylie was sitting on a lame ass stool behind it. There was barely room for all of my stuff. I set it down anyway.

"Long time no see," I awkwardly placed my unmanicured hand on my hip.

"Easter Mass?" Wylie asked as he rang up my items.

"Well you know, Ma and I aren't the best Catholics," He matched my crooked smile.

"Well it's good seeing you," He handed me over the black bag. "Just take the snacks and tell your grandma I said hello."

"Twenty on three as well," I gestured to the truck.

"He's with you?" Wylie then moved his head as if he was watching a tennis match. Levi. Me. Levi again. Then me again.

"Well not with me. We're just..." Then the words ran loose. What were we anyway?


"We're just people going on a road trip."

"I guess that's cool," He shrugged and typed up the gas.

"Yeah I just met him last night at a party," I passed over the 20 dollar bill.

"Last night?" Wylie raised his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, but don't worry he's harmless." I began to head for the door.

"Take care of yourself Runner," Wylie waved and looked back over his shoulder at Levi.

"I will," I murmured under my breath as I crossed the threshold of the station. Levi began to pump the gas into the truck by the time I could climb in.

It didn't take that long before the truck was full and ready to go. Levi glided us back onto the road and he swiftly found the freeway. This list will be done in no time.

"Thanks," I let out on an empty breathe. I didn't want Levi to hear it as much as I needed to universe to hear it.

"For?" Levi asked. Why do you always have a question? Stupid boy.

"For...this," Well there definitely is a better word, but fück it.

"You're more than welcome Harry Anonymous," He smiled his stupid smile.

"I'm going to nap. Wake me up when you want to trade," I yawned/sighed at his brown eyes.

"Sure," Levi spoke. Stupid boy.



Thanks for reading the chapter. If you liked it please vote and comment. I'm having a blast writing The List. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll post another chapter someday.

Well Hello Anonymous! That's basically all I can say. Hopefully you love her as much as me.

With much love and admiration to everyone who is throughly enjoying the list please consider writing your own list. Top five things you want to see or do in this world. Who you want to meet? Places you seek to see? Things you are dying to find?

If you could put anything on The List, what would you write down?

Write me your list.

Until next time- K@

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