Chapter One

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Superman had never given much thought to children. He liked kids, always the first to comfort them in the face of danger, he liked seeing Bruce's newly adopted son Richard. But seeing as Kryptonians and humans were not genetically compatible, he knew if he wanted kids, he would have to adopt. So, when a tiny spaceship crashed into Gotham Bay, he was shocked to see a Kryptonian toddler inside.

"Batman to Superman. Come to Gotham immediately. I have something you want to see."

Superman flew into the Batcave and gave his friend an easy smile. "What do I want to see?" He asked. The man dressed as a giant bat turned away from the computer he was hunched over and his arms in his cape. "Something entered the atmosphere approximately twenty five minutes ago and landed in Gotham bay. I believe it has alien origins and I wanted you to get it out of the water."

The Man of Steel dived into the cold water of the bay and swam down to where he could faintly see something silver glowing. A small silver ship, similar to his own was half buried in to the bottom of the lake. He picked it up and flew back to the surface.

Superman set the ship on the deck of the Batboat. Batman drove the ship back to shore and helped load it into the Batjet. Back in the Cave, Batman examined the ship. "It's definitely Kryptonian." "But I highly doubt anyone's inside. If they are, the chances of them being alive are slim." Batman chucked off his cape and hung it on a hook. Superman's shoulders sagged. Part of him was hoping there could be another survivor, maybe he wasn't the only one but Bruce was right. Bruce studied the ship before turning to look at Clark. "Open it." Clark pressed certain parts of the metal and a hatch opened. Inside, wrapped in a gold blanket with the oh so familiar S symbol, was a tiny girl with blonde hair. She appeared to be sleeping peacefully, though she wasn't moving. Bruce placed a finger on the side of her neck to feel for a pulse. "She's alive. Her pulse is steady and she seems to be breathing fine." Clark let out a breath. Bruce gently moved the baby aside to look around the ship. A tablet was resting behind her, along with a box. Clark took the tablet and turned it on. A holographic images of someone who looked snoot like his father appeared and started to speak. When it was over; Clark turned it off and stared at the girl. "That was her father, Zor-El." "Zor-El, as in Jor-El?" "Yeah, I guess they were brothers. She's my cousin." Bruce waited until Clark's shock wore off to speak again. "What's her name?" "Kara. Kara Zor-El."

Both Bruce and Clark tried to get the box open, but seeing as it had a DNA lock, neither could get in. Bruce set up a monitor for Kara and continually checked on her himself. Eventually, soft noises said that Kara was awake. Clark rushed over as her blue eyes opened and she looked at him curiously. She tried to untangle herself from her blanket but she was wrapped up tight. Clark gently peeled the blanket away and lifted her up. Bruce came over with a small red bracelet. He took her wrist and fastened the red sun bracelet on. Kara's staring at him with wide, frightened eyes and she clutched her blanket tighter. "Kara. Kara, look over here." Clark draws her attention over to himself and smiles gently. "Hello." "Hi." Her voice is slightly high pitched but sounds so much like his mother's." "Kara, how old are you?" Her little face scrunched up so Clark repeated what he said in Kryptonian. She replied and he turned to Bruce. "She's three years old and has no clue she came from Krypton." Bruce nods and takes off his cowl. "I figured as much. Three years old, same as Dick." He muttered as he went to change.

Once Batman became Bruce, the three headed upstairs into the Manor to find Alfred giving Bruce's adopted son Dick his dinner. "Master Bruce. Mr. Kent. Ah, who is this?" He acknowledged Kara with a gesture. "My cousin, Kara." The butler smiled at the terrified looking girl and got plates of food for everyone else. Bruce invited Alfred to join them and they all had a meal of spaghetti and meatballs together. "Uncle Clark, where did Kara come from?" Dick asked from across the table. Clark looked up form helping Kara learn to use the fork and spoon Alfred gave her. "Kara came for the same planet I did." Dick's eyes widened and he wiggled slightly in his booster seat. "Is she gonna stay with you? Can she come and play with me?" Then, with an almost guilty expression, he looked at Bruce and back down at his pasta. "It's okay Dick. We don't know where Kara is going to stay right now, but after dinner you can show her your room and your toys if you like." Bruce comforted his son. Dick's blue eyes lit up and he quickly devoured the rest of his food.

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