Chapter Seven

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Kara was able to leave two days later, and was told to take it easy and sleep lots. Clark took her to a tiny diner he had found by accident on a lead with Lois and sat down in the back. He ordered coffee and a slice of apple pie, and a chocolate malt for Kara and French fries. The small blonde played Doodle Buddy on his phone as they waited, and Clark simply watched her play and encircled his arms around her and she sat on his lap. The waiter came back with their order and Clark sat Kara beside him. She eagerly dug into the fries ant chocolate shake, effectively getting the malt everywhere. "Kara, slow down. It isn't going to run away." Kara smiled as kept eating. Clark shook his head and sipped his coffee.

He ended up having to take Kara to the bathroom to wash chocolate off everywhere after he paid the waitress. The two walked a couple blocks down to the children's museum, Kara hopping and skipping along the sidewalk. She generated several smiles from strangers as she jumped over puddles and hoppedover cracks in the sidewalk. Clark caught the hood of her coat before she could fall over a pylon she tried to leap over and swung her up. "No! Down! Down!" He set her back on the ground and too hold of her hand. she was too short to hold his hand and tugged away from him, running up to a small pet shop and gazing in the window. "Puppy!" She squealed. "Kara! Don't ever run away like that!" "Sorry daddy." She said in a small voice ad looked down. "It's okay sweetie. You just scared me." Kara wrapped herself around his leg and smiled up at him. "We see the puppies?" "Sure." He's scooped her up and opened the door to the shop. A bell tinkled and a pretty blonde girl stood behind the counter talking to another customer. He left and the shopkeeper walked over to the father and daughter, grinning at Kara. "Hi cutie. Did you want I see the puppies?" "Yea please." Kara wriggled to be set down and she ran over to the dog enclosure. Six small balls of fur were sleeping, running around, chasing tails or chewing on small toys. "Puppy!" Kara squealed again. The shopkeeper opened the gate and picked out the smallest dog, one hiding in the corner wit her head on a blanket. "Here. Want to hold her!" "Yea!" Kara held her hands out cradled the puppy carefully. She picked Kara's face and wagged her tiny tail. "Keep her?" Kara asked Clark. "Maybe in a few years. Besides you have Streaky." "Cute puppy." Kara patted her head and have her back to the shopkeeper. "Thank you." Kara said. "No problem." Clark directed Kara over to the cat section. "Do you want to get a toy for Streaky?" "Yeah." Kara picked out a fish shaped plush that squeaked. "Perfect." Clark muttered under his breath. He paid for the toy and let Kara hold the bag. They continued the journey to he museum and finally arrived.

Inside, Kara went to the large fish-tank first, ant giggled whenever a sea creature came close. She soon lost interest and wandered over to the K'nex rollarcoaster and grabbed a orange train. She joined an older, redhead boy in pushing the carts down and up the track. The boy tried to take the train from Kara, who shook her head and clutched it tighter. The boy frowned and smacked Kara, who promptly dropped the train and crossed her arms. "You don't hit." She informed him and went to pick up the toy. The boy pushed Kara over and she hit her head on the edge of the table the display was on. The boy grabbed the cart and ran over to the other side of the display. A woman with hair matching his came over and started to scold him while Clark jogged over to Kara and picked her up. She buried her face in his neck and he checked for any bruises or blood. Just a large bump. "He hurt me." "I know baby. How badly does it hurt?" "Tube hurt worse." Clark held her around her middle and pulled her back to see her. Kara sniffed and wiped away her tears. "Better?" Kara nodded and Clark pulled her in for another hug. The little boy and his mother came over and the mother profusely apologized, the little boy looking grumpy and refusing to speak. Clark waved it off and took Kara to the human body section. Kara gazed up at the model of the organs and intestines the. Back at Clark. "I don't look like that." She remarked and wandered over to the dinosaur exhibit. "Kara!" Clark ran after her with a touch of annoyance. "Kara?" He looked around. This section of the museum was crowded, and unfortunately had lots of little blonde girls running around. Clark cranked up the super-hearing and made out a little voice on the other side of the museum. "Daddy! No!" Clark started running again, down several stairwells and exhibits. He turned on his X-ray vision and scanned the while building. He saw Kara fighting off a man trying to drag her outside. Clark took off again and found the man. He struck him as lightly as he could in his angry state and wrestled Kara away from him. "Daddy." She sobbed and hugged his neck tightly. "Shhh, you're alright baby girl. Did he hurt you?" "No." She choked out and hugged him tighter. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Clark registered an alarm going off and several security guards restraining the man. "I think it's time you and I go home." Clark said to Kara who nodded.

Back in their apartment, Kara ran to get her blanket and Clark made a cup of tea for himself and a sippy cup of milk for Kara. He sat on the couch and Kara made herself comfortable in his lap. He turned on Teletubbies for Kara and stretched out. Kara curled up on his chest and fell asleep. Clark followed suit.

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