
2.6K 52 26

As a foreword, this might be triggering to some people. Just remember that this is a story! Kara is ten in this chapter.

Wonder Woman, Batman and superman were meeting in the latter's apartment after a mission gone wrong. Batman and Wonder Woman were trying to convince Superman that he needed to come with them on a mission in space. Superman didn't want to leave Kara. "You have no choice Kent. You're part of the League, you're part of the missions. You should have thought of babysitters before." "Before what?" The Man of Steel asked testily. "Before you adopted Kara." "I didn't exactly have a choice. She was dumped on me!" He snapped. Diana looked at the door behind him and quickly looked down. Clark turned around and his heart constricted. Kara was standing in the doorway, her blanket hugged to her chest and tears filling her eyes. "You don't want me." She whispered so only Clark could hear. Before Clark could say anything, Kara spun on her heel and dashed to her room. "Good job." Batman deadpanned. "I didn't, she." Diana sighed. Clark, you idiot. "Give her some time alone, then go talk to her." She and Batman left and Clark tried to pass time, by changing into regular clothes, making dinner, finishing a news report. Eventually, he listened carefully for Kara, to see if she was still crying. Nothing. No crying, no movement, no heartbeat. "Kara!" He ran to her room and pulled it apart. "KARA! KARA!!" She was gone.

He changed again and and flicked on his communicator. J'ohn's filled the monitor. "Superman. How can I-" "Kara's gone. I-I can't find her. Please J'ohn can you help me?" "Certainly. When was the last time you saw her?" "About three hours ago. She, I, well long story. I thought she was in her room." "I will try to trace her. For now, search the city." Superman turned away. "And Superman? Stay calm."

Superman started to search the city carefully with his x-ray vision. He started at the far end, near Happy Harbor and worked his way across. J'ohn called him back about halfway through and said he had found nothing. "I can't lose her J'ohn." "I know. Keep looking."

Wonder Woman and Flash searched in the streets of Metropolis and Batman went around. When he was done with Metropolis, the Big Blue searched Central City, Star City, Chelsea and Happy Harbor. Still empty. He flew up into space and punched several stars out of orbit. God, Kara, where are you? Please, just give me something so I know you're alive. "Superman, come back to Earth." Batman barked. "Have you found Kara? She's been gone over six hours." He growled back. "We're working on it. Get back down here." Superman took off at the speed of light, his frantic mind on his lost daughter.

J'ohn hummed very softly to himself as he searched telepathically for Kara. He skimmed over Metropolis, looking for some sign of the young child's mind. He passed over two men, talking to each other quietly. "If an'one come an' try to get her, kill her. No mercy." He focused a bit harder and saw what the other was doing the small, blonde girl. The Martian felt a pang of anger at the act and walked briskly over to to the zeta tubes and types in his coordinates. As he was teleported away, he shifted into his human form to, as Flash would say, "under the radar". John Jones neared his destination and snuck around the back. He passed through the wall and reshifted into his usual form. He could hear the two men close by. J'ohn passed through the last wall and came face to face with the men. "What the hell! Get the girl and go!" The larger, more burly man put up his fists while the smaller man roughly grabbed Kara and ran. J'ohn knocked out the man in front of him and flew after the other. He turned to look at J'ohn and with a desperate look, threw Kara against the wall and put his hands up. "I din mean it! He ma' me! Don' hur' me!" J'ohn entered the man's mind and rendered him unconscious and before going over to Kara and laying a hand on her arm. Kara yelped and curled tighter in a ball. "Kara." The blonde shook her head and kept trying to tuck into herself more. J'ohn entered her mind and called to her consciousness. Kara, please calm down. No one is going to hurt you know. You're safe. This seemed to do the trick, as Kara unfurled just enough so J'ohn could properly see her. He grabbed a curtain off the rod and wrapped it around her shivering body. He picked her up slowly, as to not scare her more and flew out the window. He mentally contacted Wonder Woman and she met him on the roof of the building. *Why telepathy?* *I do not wish for Superman to overhear us. If he sees Kara in this state, he will attack the men that did this.* *What state?* Diana asked warily. She peeled back the cloth to see Kara and she briefly closed her eyes. "Men." She muttered under her breath. "If you get Clark, I will bring Kara up to the Watchtower infirmary." "J'ohn nodded and transferred Kara into her arms. Kara cried out and huddled up again. "Hurry." J'ohn told the worried Diana. She nodded and called for pickup.

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