Chapter Nine

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Clark took Kara to the beach on the first day of summer. He packed a bag of food, towels, drinks and sand toys and loaded Kara in the car. She was a bundle of joy and excitement and wouldn't stay still in her car seat. "Kara sweetie, calm down." "Beach!" She shouted and giggled. Clark chuckled and focused his eyes on the road ahead.

When they arrived and parked, Kara skipped a head of Clark and giggled when she first stepped in he sand. They found a spot in a less crowded area and set up. Kara had wiggled out of her shirt and shorts before Clark had set the bags down and waited impatiently for Clark to be ready. He fished sunblock out of the towel bag and slathered Kara in it. He knew he wouldn't get burned by the sun but Kara could. Next, he strapped on her life jacket and put on her sunglasses. Finally, he took her hand and led to the water. Kara squealed when the cold water rushed over her feet and ran father out. Clark followed and scooped Kara up she it was getting to deep. Kara was laughing and splashing Clark, yelling to go deeper. He let her float on her own and taught her to doggy paddle. Before long, Kara was swimming around on her own, and they played a game of tag. Clark managed to get Kara back to the blanket and she promptly stripped off her life jacket and rolled around in the sand. "Daddy! Imma sand monster!" She exclaimed and held her arms up and roared (rawr). Clark snapped a picture before taking her back to the water to wash off.

He brought out lunch and snacks and put more sunblock on Kara before handing her a sandwich and juice box. The food disappeared quickly and Clark threw the garbage out before helping Kara build a sandcastle. It was quite elaborate, with Kara running around to find pretty rocks and sticks to decorate it, and Clark using super strength to make sure it didn't fall. Another pile of rocks, shells as sticks fell in his lap and started moving. Kara stood beside him, beaming brightly. "I found a crab!" She said and picked up a tiny crustacean from the pile. It waved its small claws around and snapped at Kara. "He likes me!" Clark took the crab from her and set it back in the sand. "Byyyeeee!" Kara waved and plopped down in the sand. Her pink bikini top was coming undone, and Clark could see sand in her blonde locks. "Kay kiddo. One last swim and then we have to go."

Clark wrapped Kara in a towel before strapping her in her car seat. He loaded the car back up a turned on the radio as he pulled out of the parking lot. Kara pulled off her swimsuit top, saying it was full of sand and itchy. Clark tossed his extra T-shirt to her and she tugged it over her head. When they were back in their apartment, Clark stood Kara in his shower and hosed her down with the shower nozzle. She giggled when he sprayed her stomach and Clark flicked the water up, lightly hitting her face. "More!"

Diana and Kara went out for a girls day when Clark had an overnight business trip. Kara had wrapped her arms and legs around his middle as he tried to drop her off at Diana's apartment. "There's a list with her doctor and emergency doctor, Lois and Jimmy's cell phone numbers just in case and the hotel I'm staying at in her bag, as well as meds and instructions for those as well. Thank you so much Diana." The tall Amazon smiled. "It's no problem Clark. Honestly." Clark looked down at his middle. "Well baby girl. You have to get off." "I don wanna!" He carefully pulled her off and held her at eye level. "Be good for Diana." Kara nodded. "I don't want you to go." She pouted. "I'll be back tomorrow and I'll call you tonight. Remember the name I told you to call Diana. I love you Kara." "Love you too." He kissed her forehead and handed to to Diana. "Oh and one last thing. Don't give way to her puppy face." Clark warned her and left.

Diana looked at the girl in her arms. "Puppy face? And what name did your father tell you to call me?" Kara smiled and wiggled to be let down. Kara dug through her overnight bag and pulled out her blanket. "What're we gonna do?" Diana had researched things to do with Kara and had a list. "Well, there is a park not to far from here." Kara's eyes lit up and she tugged on the edge of Diana's shirt. "Park!" She squealed. Diana laughed and grabbed her small leather bag, one of the few things she still had from Themiscryia. She took Kara's hand and they walked the block and a half to the small playground.

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