Chapter Eight

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Kara and Clark had a peaceful three months, Clark somehow got a raise, Diana made friends with a Kansian queen, Kara had a gymnastic performance and Flash convinced Clark to try out Kara's powers. He took her onto the watchtower and he, Flash and batman gathered in the training room. Batman unlocked her bracelet and guided her over to a punching bag. "Hit it." Kara smacked the bag and it went crashing over to the other wall. She turned her surprised face over to Clark and Flash started to laugh. "This is awesome!" Clark walked over to Kara, picked her up and hovered several feet in the air. "Ready?" Kara nodded and he let go. Kara wobbled, but managed to stay in the air for a couple seconds before falling. Clark caught her and batman put her bracelet back on. "What, no heat vision?" Flash joked. "No." Batman and Clark chorused. Kara was giggling to herself and Flash scooped her up. "Wheeeee!" He ran slowly enough as to not hurt her, but fast enough so it was fun. The speedster gave Kara back to superman and smiled.

There was a crisis in Tibet which superman had to handle, so J'ohn offered to watch Kara. The blonde chinned herself on the edge of the control panel and started at the blinking lights. It was just the two of them, the others on missions, training or eating. Kara's conscience was much different to the others on the Watchtower. J'ohn mused. She didn't have the overwhelming worry, self conscienceless, insecurity or hate the others had. Kara was filled with curiosity about everything around her, love for her daddy, Diana, Richard and uncle Bruce, a almost constant need for contact and comfort, a wondering of where Daddy went, wanting to touch the shiny buttons on the table but daddy said no, wondering how she knew J'ohn was a Martian and somewhere in the back of her mind and tiny part of her said she was different from Richard, she wasn't like him. She wasn't sure if it was a good different or a bad different. Being around Kara calmed J'ohn, she was a relief to the normal hectic of his days. She remember him of his own daughter, playful and loving. J'ohn had to work the memories away, they brought back too much pain. The patter of Kara walked back over snapped him out of his thoughts and he turned to look at the alien toddler. "When's daddy going to be back?" She asked around the thumb in her mouth. "We can see." He answered and turned on the monitor to check progress in Tibet. Kara craned her neck to try and see, but was too short. "Hmpf." She pouted. J'ohn smiled gently. "Come here. There is no need to be cross." He lifted her on his lap and Kara made herself comfortable. "Daddy!" She squealed when she saw Superman helping rescue people from an earthquake. "Superman." He corrected her. "Yea, I don't tell anyone who my daddy is. Or Batman, cause they could get hurt." Kara said and stuck her thumb back in her mouth. "Who told you that?" "Batman and Richard." (Javelin coming in) Wonder Woman's voice came in through the intercom. "Ready for landing." J'ohn responded. Kara was still settled in his lap, a comforting weight. Her gaze was trained on the screen, on her father. Diana and Hawkgirl came up, glaring at each other. J'ohn's feelings of calm disappeared when the feuding pair arrived. He sighed, knowing he would probably end up playing counsellor and figuring out their problem. Kara turned away from the monitor when she heard Diana and wriggled around. J'ohm set her down and the she toddled over to the Amazon. Diana picked her up and rested her in her hip. "Hello Kara." "Hiya!" A tiny smile crossed Hawkgirl's features and J'ohn knew the daily brawl was over for now.

The two woman hovered over Kara and kept her busy while J'ohn monitored Superman in Tibet and Green Lantern in New York. Kara became fascinated with Hawkgirl's wings, much to her chagrin. Diana had the feeling the winged woman was rarely around children on her own planet, but Hawkgirl held Kara easily and confidently. Diana would never admit it, but she loved seeing Kara, the toddler always made her smile. And she was always happy to see Diana, which in turn made Diana happy. Kara's just a little ball of happy. She thought. They heard another Javelin come in and the hanger door opened and Superman came out. "Daddy!" Kara squealed and Hawkgirl set her down. She ran over to the Man of Steel and he picked her up. "Hey Kara." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him hard.

"Daddy. Daddy wake up." A tiny finger poked his cheek and side. "What Kara?" He asked groggily, squinting to make out the small child. "I'm scared." She whispered. A clap of thunder sounded and Kara screamed, an honest to goodness scream. "Kara? It's just thunder." Kara covered her mouth and shook her head. "It's not safe!" She said. This seriously confused Clark. "Yes it is Kara." She shook her head again. "It means bad things are honing to happen!" "Kara, what?" Then it clicked. Before krypton exploded, there were violent ground tremors and they had shook buildings loose, probably crushing people. "You think it's the buildings." He said slowly. Kara nodded and tugged on his hand. "We have to go!" She said urgently. "No Kara, we don't. Its not the buildings, I promise. It's called thunder, it happens during a storm." As if you prove his point, lightning flashed outside, lighting up his bedroom. Kara yelped and huddled in a ball halfway under his bed. Clark got out of his cozy and warm bed, lifted Kara out and went back in bed, Kara next to him. She curled into a ball at his side and Clark turned over so he was facing her and he kissed her head. "Trust me baby girl, it's going to be fine

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