Chapter Four

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New Year's passed and Clark was invited to a parent teacher night at Kara's day care. He fed Kara dinner and drove over to the facility. Kara rushed over to see her friends and show Clark her cubby, desk, where she sat on the carpet. The parents sat in front of the three teachers and the six assistants and they talked about how the kids were doing, who was graduating into kindergarten and upcoming events. After, the teachers passed out work the kids had done in class and Clark opened Kara's folder. A couple drawings, the alphabet printed messily, and the numbers one to ten in all different colors. Kara was babbling to her friends as their parents looked on and one look at his watch set Clark into shock. It was nearly nine, an hour and a half after Kara's bedtime. "Time to go, kiddo." He lightly tugged one of her pigtails and she pouted. "Bu we jus got heeeere!" She whined. "Come on baby girl. Say goodbye." Kara pouted before hugging her friends and waving to their parents. Clark picked her up and Kara scrambled to sit on his shoulder with her tiny fingers knotted in his hair.

Of course. Clark thought bitterly. Kara and slept over at Bruce's house the night before as Clark had a late night meeting. He was looking at a picture of Bruce, Dick and Kara in a tabloid that had been resting on Lois' desk. Bruce was in his typical Armani suit and dark tie; Dick was wearing a similar looking getup. Kara had a lacy, dark blue dress with her hair curled to perfection. She and Dick were holding hands and giggling as Bruce stood behind them with a glad of champagne in his hand and taking to another hotshot. The title said "Bruce Wayne; They multiple like rabbits!" Underneath it said, "Bruce Wayne was seen with yet another unknown child at last nights event hosted by Daniel Powers. Richard Grayson was first spotted less than a year ago, and introduced as Wayne's son. This new girl as not been identified and when asked, Wayne smiled and walked away. Could this be another adopted child of the billionaire? If so, who are they parents? Some speculate everyone to Jessica Lee and Shawn Jones, the recently married actress and football star, to the child being Wayne's and the mother Becca Sistern. We managed to ask several question before Wayne departed for the night.
Q: What relation is the child to you Mr. Wayne?
A: No comment.
Q: What is her name?
A: Kara. Q:
Will we see more of the young Kara?
A: Good question.
Q: Will Kara be featured in Child's Life magazine like Richard?
A: If she wants too.
That was all the questions he would answer, but it drags up new ones. Who is this child, and whom does she belong to? "What the hell?" Clark stormed into the Batcave, an expression of pure anger on his features. Bruce looked up from the computer he was analyzing. "What?" "Have you read the latest issue of the Globe?" "I don't read tabloids." "You took Kara to one of you hotshot get togethers and now she's the interest of every news reporter in Gotham and metropolis. She's a media circus!" "Dick is constantly in the news as well and it doesn't bother me." "Well, he's your son. She my daughter, and have you seen some of the things that have been said? Bruce Wayne; could he be your child's father? Is this child here to stay? Does it not bother you?" "No. Kara is upstairs, her bag is in Dick's room." Clark stormed out of the Batcave and up to Dick's room. Kara was wearing her Superman costume and Dick had a Batman one. They were jumping around and using some of the moves they learned in gymnastic lessons. Clark knocked before entering and Kara did a slightly off valence cartwheel toward him. He caught her before she fell and tossed her up in the air. "Ahhhhh!" Kara squealed and giggled. "Me next." Dick held his arms up as Clark carefully threw Kara on the bed and picked Dick up. "Yeeeaaahhh!" Both kids were splayed out on the bed, giggling. "Alright baby girl, it's time you and me start to head home." "Awwww." Both kids chorused. "I don't wanna!" Kara pouted as Clark scooped Kara up. "It's getting late."

Kara fell asleep ten minutes in the drive home, not surprising Clark. He carried her up to their apartment and took off his shoes and laid her on the couch. He slipped off her little boots and coat and tossed them into the hall closet. Kara murmurs and scrunched her face up, clearly dreaming. Clark pressed a light kiss to her forehead before starting to make dinner. He made a chicken sandwich for himself and a bowl of macaroni and cheese for Kara. He set the food on the coffee table and shook Kara awake. "Wake up, it's dinner time." Kara opened her eyes and smiled. "Hi daddy." "Hi baby girl. You hungry?" Kara nodded and got off the couch. She got her pink plastics lap table from the cupboard under the coffee table and sat back down. Clark handed her the bowl and kid spoon and dug into his own dinner. Before long, Kara's spoon was scraping the bottom of the bowl and Clark brushed crumbs off his shirt. Kara carried her bowl into the kitchen and came back to put her table away. Clark watched with pride. Kara was adapting to earth faster then he imagined. He lifted Kara onto his lap and she snuggled into his lap. He stoked her hair and she yawned, eyes fighting to stay open. "Baby girl, I'm so proud of you." He whispered against her head. "I love you daddy." "I love you too. So much baby girl."

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