Chapter Ten

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Clark came back before dinner. Diana and Kara had been curled up on the couch watching Toy Story when there was a knock at the door. Diana untangled herself from Kara and went to answer it. "Welcome back." She stepped back and let Clark in. "Thanks." Kara peered at the two from the back of the couch and squealed. "Daddy!" She exclaimed and jumped off the couch. Clark deftly caught her and swung her up. Kara reached for his face and he kissed her forehead. "Baby girl! Were you good for Diana?" "Yea." Kara hugged his neck and Clark raised an eyebrow at Diana. "She was perfect." Diana confirmed and went to get Kara's bag. Kara hugged and kissed Diana cheek and Clark thanked her profusely before leaving. Diana waved goodbye and closed the door to her once again empty apartment.

Clark made Kara dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets and apple slices for dinner and finished up an email while she ate. He cleaned ketchup off her chin and loaded her plate in the dishwasher before I strapping her out of her booster seat. "You din' call." Kara remarked as she played with her toy phone. "I know baby, I was really busy." Kara pressed a button and the phone started ringing. Clark smiled as she pretended to talk with someone and turned on Lion King for Kara to watch. She made a nest with her stuffed puppy, blanket and Clark and nestled herself in. She reached for Clark and he held her arm as she giggled over Pumba and Simone sang and told bad jokes.

While Superman fought Metallo, the cyborg's chest plate fell off, revealing his chunk of Kryptonite. Feeling weak, the Man of Steel half heartedly punched. Metallo's face, and aimed for his shoulder. Metallo uppercut him, and grabbed a piece of the now broken Kryptonite. Superman gasped when the shard was lodged in his shoulder. He was vaguely aware of Green Lantern and Hawkgirl beating up. Metallo, and Hawkgirl standing him up. They were transported onto the Watchtower, and J'ohn helped him on an examining table. Clark was doing his best to stay awake, and eventually J'ohn noticed. 'What is troubling you? This Kryptonite will have no lasting effects.' 'I have to pick up Kara at three.' Clark thought back, the drugs beginning to take over his brain. 'Don't worry.' was the last thing he heard before falling asleep.

J'ohn got Kara's daycare address from Batman, and shifted into his human form. He walked the block and a half from where he transported and opened the front door. A brunette secretary was sitting behind the front desk and she smiled warmly at J'ohn. "Can I help you?" "I am here to pick up Kara Kent." The secretary clicked around on the computer. "What's your name?" "John Jones." The secretary clicked around some more. "Alright. Kara is in room nine, third door to your left." "Thank you." The tall Martian cautiously knocked on room three and a young male answered. "Here for pickup?" J'ohn nodded. "Kara Kent." The male opened the door a bit wider. "Come on in."

Young kids were running around, playing with various toys, coloring or watching a movie. J'ohn spotted a familiar blonde head chasing an older girl while trying to carry a doll at the same time. The assistant went over and redirected Kara to J'ohn. Kara looked hesitant, but a few words sent to her conscious sent her running at J'ohn. He caught her and she hugged him around the neck. "Hhhhiiii!" She said and he smiled. "Bye Kara. See you on Monday!" Kara waved with one hand while her thumb found her mouth. Kara grabbed her backpack and jacket before leaving, and j'ohn carried her to the pickup spot. He pressed the comm in his ear and Batman teleported them up. "Where's daddy?" Kara asked. "In the Watchtower." J'ohn said before they disappeared.

Batman and Hawkgirl were in the monitor womb when Kara and J'ohn appeared. Kara waved to the two and J'ohm shifted into his usual form. He carried Kara to the infirmary and to Clark. Kara reached for the unconscious man, and J'ohn set her on her feet. Kara slipped off her jacket and backpack before climbing on the hospital bed beside Clark and laying her head on his chest. J'ohm briefly smiled, laid his hand on Kara's, and went back to the monitor womb.

As he watched over earth, he contemplated the alien toddler. It surprised him that Kara was never scared, or startled by his appearance. Even Batman had backed away when he first saw his true form. But Kara had never been scared, just wondered how she knew J'ohn was a Martian. Diana came in, breaking J'ohn out of his thoughts. "I just checked on Clark." She reported. "They're both asleep." She smiled fondly. J'ohn could sense the love she had, friendship for Clark, and something more maternal for Kara. It didn't surprise him, Kara looked to Diana with shining eyes.

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