Chapter Three

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The first day Kara went to daycare, she clung on to Clark's shirt and refused to let go. She didn't cry, just didn't want to leave her daddy. Clark held her as he talked with her teacher about her ribs and what she could and couldn't do with them. He told the teacher she hurt her ribs tripping. An assistant came over and asked Kara what her favorite movie was. Kara replied Tinkerbell and Clark was able to slip away when the assistant distracted Kara with a Tinkerbell doll. He took a cab to the Daily Planet and greeted the secretary. As soon as he was on his floor; he was bombarded by Lois and Jimmy asking about Kara and Perry yelling at him to get in his office. Clark promised to talk to his coworkers when he was done with Perry and slipped into the boss' office. "Morning Chief." "Kent. How is it going with Kara?" "Great. Thanks for the time off." Perry chuckled. "I have a son and I know the many different ways kids can pull themselves out of school and the parents out of work. If you need time off for her, just let me know." "Thank you sir." Clark left the office in shock. Did Perry just? Weird. Lois and Jimmy ambushed him as soon as he sat down in his cubicle. "Smallville! You have pictures?" Clark sighed. "Yup." He pulled out his phone and went through the montage of pictures he took of Kara over the last few weeks. Kara at the park, coloring, hiding in a fort she and Clark built and one of the two of them. "She's cute CK. How old is she?" "Three." Clark couldn't keep the note of pride out of his voice.

When Clark picked Kara up from daycare, she squealed and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Clark swung her up and kissed her forehead. "Daddy!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. "Hey baby girl. Did you have fun?" "Yea! We colored and watched movies and played in the sandbox!" Kara's teacher came over to talk while Kara went to get her backpack out of her cubby. "She did great. We didn't let her run around to much because of her ribs but she had fun playing outside with the other kids anyway. How long ago did you adopt her?" "Just a few weeks ago actually." "I'm impressed. Other adopted children never want to leave their parents and usually spend the first few days crying. Kara made friends fast, and got along with everyone." Kara came back, dragging her pink backpack and brown coat. "Bye Kara. See you tomorrow." Kara waved as Clark scooped her up and carried her outside. "Where's your blanket sweetie?" Kara pointed to her backpack. "Stuff for you in there." She said before sticking her thumb in her mouth. Clark strapped her in her car seat and drove home while listening to Kara talk about what she did and her new friends.

Clark gave Kara a week of daycare to settle in before taking her to the Planet. His plan was to take her in the morning and drop her off at daycare on his lunch break. Part of the reason he chose her particular daycare was the high reviews and the close proximity to his work. Tanya was the secretary on duty today and smiled at as the father and daughter passed. Kara sat on the desk and watched Clark get organized and he handed her a sippy cup of apple juice. Jimmy was in first and he stopped by to say hello. Kara waved while keeping one hand on her cup. He ruffled her hair and she giggled and almost fell off the desk. Clark caught her and Kara tucked herself in the corner. Lois walked in; bleary eyed and holding a large coffee. "Morning Smallville. Hi Kara, I'm Lois." "Hiya." "So, Smallville, have you started your report yet?" "Halfway done." Los goggled. "We just got it yesterday and you have a kid to look after. How are you halfway done?" Clark shrugged. "Kara's an easy kid to raise." Kara waved to Lois as she left. Clark took Kara to hand in his finished article about the trouble in Bilaya to Perry. Clark waited until the other man was finished yelling at his phone to knock and entered. He handed the editor his typed article and introduced Kara. The blonde smiled, waved and hid her face in Clark chest while the grownups talk about her and Perry's son Matthew. It turns out Matt goes to the same daycare as Kara, but he's a few years older. Clark excused himself when Perry's phone rang and handed Kara to Lois when a loud crash and an explosion could be heard outside. Kara gripped her blanket and sucked on her thumb while her daddy fought Livewire. When Clark came back, Kara reached for him and tucked in her legs. "Well baby girl, I think it's time you go to daycare." "Kay."

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