- Chapter 8: Rescue -

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Mentions of Rape

Also I changed Fannys name to Nala( zades dog) now u gotta fw it.
Yall OG mfs know what I'm talkin about🙄

 Yall OG mfs know what I'm talkin about🙄

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Today is the fucking day of the attack.

Lorenzo is here in the meeting room, going over the exact plan ten more times because he doesn't need it to mess up.

"Okay so as soon as they start the auction, we stand in the crowd. Dont call out anything. Don't move. Just stand there looking normal, understood so far?"

A bunch of yes sirs echoed the room.

"Good. Now after they start the bidding. Me and Arabella will go back stage and free as many women as possible. We send them out to the cars, where you lot," He said pointing to a small group of armed men, "Will be keeping watch and keeping the women calm. Stay in touch with the earpieces."

"Near the ending of the auction. One of you will shoot a flare gun, and during the flare gun me and Arabella plan to have the slave drivers dead. Nothing should be underestimated. The Marino mafioso will be killed. They have this symbol." He showed a symbol of a lion that said bravery in fancy writing, "Anyone with it, should be killed at sight. Make it quick and make sure they're dead."

And that was the end of that.

We loaded our weapons into the cars as well as the men.

We travelled light with only 15 men, 3 cars and 2 trunks full of weapons.

We also have 30 soldiers on standby incase anything goes wrong, we call for backup.

On the drive there, I was mentally disconnecting my emotions.

It takes time, but it's necessary.


We've arrived at the auction.

Two men stand at the stage introducing themselves as Vlad Castro and Damitri Costello, the sex slave drivers.

There are sex slaves but those girls give consent. The ones we're here to rescue today, have been taken from their homes, stripped naked and have been raped time and time again.

Its not fair and it's a good thing Dad is against it.

I stand in the crowd, a couple rows ahead of my brother with my hood up.

No one knows what I look like in the underworld and I plan on keeping it that way.

There are a lot of people who's identities are unknown so it's not that suspicious.

Lorenzo and I make our way backstage where all the sex slaves are waiting to be up for bidding,

I could hear the men yelling prices, going as high as 60,000 dollars.

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