- Chapter 21: Ice Cream -

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"Will you wear a dress at prom?" He asked

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"Will you wear a dress at prom?" He asked.

"No, bitch ass, I'll wear like a fancier hoodie or something.", I said.

Zade asked me to prom and I said yes. I don't know why I did because now I have to wear something on the fancier side.

"Hey, we can match tuxedos!" He said.


"You can wear an all black tuxedo, like style it how ever you want to, and I'll wear a black and white one.", He said.

That's not actually a bad idea.

"Y'know, I might have something to wear then.", I said as I pet King, who was sitting on me. I think he forgets that he's not a a little baby anymore, well he is my baby, forever but just not that little any more.

Prom is in three days, out last exam is tomorrow and then we're free for the rest of our lives. Not Zade though, he has university.

I could wear a black lace corset, and then the jacket of a suit over it, with black dress pants and heels. Except maybe we can pass on the heels, though.


"Zade, I told you that Ice Cream would be fucking disgusting but no you had to take it.", I scolded him.

He bought this new mint chocolate chip ice cream and he hates it, so he keeps eating my chocolate ice cream.

"Look, I can't help it, it'd be rude to throw it away so I'm waiting for it to melt." He says, looking around to make sure no one heard that he hated it. Why? I don't fucking know.

"Waiting for it to melt is worse, just eat it.", I said.

"No, you fucktard I'm not eating it.", He says, reaching over the table to get another spoonful of my ice cream.

"It can't be that bad, Zade." I tried.

"But it is that bad! It tastes like fucking dora themed toothpaste mixed with raw dog food!" He exclaimed.

When he started to reach for another spoon of Ice Cream, I just slid my cup over to him to eat, which he looked more than happy to do.

"Yeah, now I know you're exaggerating." I say.

"Fine, if you think I'm exaggerating, then have a taste." He slid the ice cream cup over to me, and I took a small spoonful not before I looked at him.

I put it in my mouth, I already hate Mint chocolate chip, but I need to see if it tastes like dog food.

It doesn't. It tastes like regular mint chocolate chip ice cream. So basically like toothpaste and chocolate.

"It doesn't taste that bad." I said.

"Your taste buds are busted.", he said.

"No, yours are. You think pineapple on pizza tastes good." I countered.

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