- Chapter 40: Carlos -

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This whole week has gone by like 'Zade did you do this?' 'Zade did you do that?' 'Zade?' 'Zade do your work

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This whole week has gone by like 'Zade did you do this?' 'Zade did you do that?' 'Zade?' 'Zade do your work.' 'Zade focus.'

It's getting on my nerves. Everytime I open my laptop and sit down to do work, my mind says it wants to do something else. So Arabella has been getting me to do my work piece by piece.

She'll make me sit and do it, and let's me take an hour long break.

But in class, I don't have an Arabella to give me continuous breaks and take it easy on me. I have to sit for an hour and a half listening to one continuous topic.

I'm trying to motivate myself to do it, but that doesn't work as well as the pills do. Pills meaning the ones I used to take to control my ADHD whenever I feel over the top nervous or overwhelmed.

I make a mental note to ask Arabella to take me to the doctors so he can prescribe them for me again. I got off of them a few months ago because it started getting better but school needed to butt in and ruin it.

I have no one except Marco and the Arabella that lives in my head in this school full of thousands of students.

"Cmon bud.", I say as I pat Marcos head lightly for him to follow me.

People give me looks for having such a big ass dangerous looking dog at school, and sometimes they'd ask why I have him.

The only ones I have to answer to are some of the teachers, I just show them the ESA letter I have. I had to write a million emails for him to be on campus with me.

I make my way to my next class: Microbiology.

Least favourite of them all so far other than physics and math.

I need to take it for some reason if I want a degree in zoology.

"Marco stop.", I said, he kept tryna nip at my leg. He used to do that when he was little, I mean he's only two years old but when he was tiny. I have no idea what it means when he does that, but his tail wags so I guess it's good.

I was looking at Marco and walking and didn't realize someone was infront of me, so I bumped into them.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"Oh my fuck, I'm so sorry..", We both started apologizing frantically.

"No, don't worry about it.", He said to me.

I looked at him and this guy was stunning, his eyes were the prettiest green in the whole world I swear but what caught my eye even more, was his eyeliner.

He smiled at me briefly, a small blush coating his cheeks.

"My name's Zade."

"Carlos, nice to meet you.", He said, smiling, "If you don't mind me asking, what class do you have?"

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