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[ Art Credits: @LustyPieLita on Twitter - I edited it, make it look a bit creepy. ]

I finally get out of my classroom, ending the class for today. I went to my locker, putting in some books that I don't need to bring back home. I see my friend, Punz, running towards me, "Hey, wanna go to a cafe with me? I need some help with this one project I'm working on."

We walk beside together, "Sure, what is it about?" I ask him.

He smiles brightly and puts his arm around my shoulder, "I knew I could always count on you, (Y/n). So, it's just about the..." As he was explaining, I was lost in my thoughts.

I always felt like someone's been watching me, but I could never figure out who's looking at me. I don't know what they want for me, but whatever they want to do, I fear that it might be horrible.

As Punz and I arrived in the cafe, we find a vacant table and sat there. I tapped Punz's hand, grabbing his attention from grabbing his laptop out of his bag, "What kind of drink do you want? I'll get it for you." I asked, smiling at him.

"I'll get whatever you get," He ruffles my hair and I proceeded to go to the barista. I ordered (f/drink) for Punz and I, as I waited, I felt the same stare at me. I looked around carefully, but I still couldn't figure out who it is.

A man approached the barista, ordering his own drink. He looks about six feet tall, had dirty blonde hair, and has beautiful freckles. He notices me staring at me and I snapped out from my thoughts, "Is... There something wrong, miss?" He asks me politely.

"I- No, everything is good," I respond, smiling at the man. I looked at him one last time, trying to remember something, I guess. "You know, have we met before? Because I feel like we have..." I asked, feeling a bit uneasy for no reason.

He examines me from my head to toe, his green eyes fluttered, thinking about my question. "I don't think so, this is my first time seeing you." He gives me a grin.

I awkwardly chuckled, "Right, sorry. That was a weird question, I probably got the wrong person." I said as I fiddled on the hem of my shirt, trying not to panic too much just by talking to a stranger. Fuck social anxiety, and fuck socializing.

The man snickers, "It's alright," He says and extends his hand, "I'm Dream by the way, in case you wanted to know."

I wipe my sweaty palms, hesitating to shake his hand, but did it anyway. "(Y/n), my name's (Y/n)." I simply answered, feeling the calluses on his hands and fingers, feels like he's been doing some heavy and rough job. I suddenly heard my name get called by the barista, and quickly grabbed my drink and looked at the man for the last time, "It was nice talking to you, Dream."

"You too," He replies as he also grabs his drink and left outside the cafe.

I ran towards Punz, carefully putting the drinks on our table. He sees me and looks at my panicked face, "What took you so long?" He asks, a bit tad annoyed.

"I'm sorry, why don't you go and buy the drinks next time?" I told him, knowing that his behavior would get worse if I don't act like the boss here.

He clears his throat and mumbles out a quick sorry, we both began discussing his project, and for some reason, the man I saw a while ago was still outside. He's probably waiting for a friend? A lover perhaps?

After a couple of hours staying in the cafe, Punz and I were finally done finalizing his project and everything seemed alright. We both grabbed our own things and went out, seeing that the sun was finally gone, "I should walk you home, it's dangerous for anyone to be alone at night." Punz offered.

I kindly decline and pat his back, "Thanks, but I can handle this, Punz. Go home and continue that project of yours, I'll just message you when I safely arrive home, alright?"

Punz hesitantly nodded, "Alright, but call me instead." He grins, pushing my hair behind my ear, lightly kissing my forehead. Before leaving, he gave me a small wave and we finally went in a different direction from each other.

I don't really know our relationship, but I really consider him a good friend. He has told me about his feelings towards me before, but I also did reject him. Luckily, it wasn't as awkward as I hoped it would be, we're still close as ever. But sometimes, he does this cute stuff that makes me a little bit uncomfortable, but at the same time, I didn't mind at all.

After walking towards my home for a while, I felt the same stares that I feel every single day. Although, I have never felt this every time I come home... Is there really someone stalking me? This wasn't normal anymore and I am scared, should I call someone on my phone?

I shakily grab my phone from my pocket and pretended to call someone, I began to act like I was actually calling a friend, and that feeling soon died down. I quickly paced towards my house and finally got home, quickly opening my door and stepping in. I immediately closed the door and got greeted by my parents, they looked worried.

"Is everything alright, honey?" Father asks, caressing my face, "You look really pale..."

I took a deep breath and smiled weakly, "I-I'm fine, just jogged my way home." I lied, not wanting to worry them anymore.

Mom approaches me, wrapping me in her arms, "Alright, but you should get some rest now, okay?" She breaks our hug and kisses me goodnight.

I gently nodded and went up to my bedroom, I put my bag on my desk and immediately dropped my whole body onto my bed. My life wasn't normal anymore when all of this happened, I was in constant paranoia.

[ Edit: Omfg I didn't publish the first and second chapters wtf... ]

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