08 [ Is that really you? ]

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We ended up going to the beach since Dream seemed to love going here. We both carried our shoes, walking beside each other, hand in hand. "Do you love the beach, (Y/n)?" Dream randomly asks me out of nowhere, breaking the silence between us.

"I don't particularly love it... Well, I almost drowned last time I came to the beach, so I didn't have any good experience." I awkwardly give out a chuckle, making Dream burst into laughter. "Why the hell did you laugh? Drowning isn't even funny," I tell him, pouting at the man.

He lets go of my hand and caresses my face, "You're pouting, stop that." He says, leaning a bit closer to my face, scrunching his nose. He randomly grabs some sort of a blanket out of his bag and puts it on the sand. "Come, sit with me." He smiles at me and proceeds to sit on the blanket.

I did the same and finally got to relax, I see him grabbing more stuff, like packed food and snacks, even some canned soda. "You planned everything, huh?" I chuckle and he nods in response.

He suddenly stands up and gave me a look, "Sorry, I need to buy something real quick... I'm sure there's some convenience store around here, I'll be right back, hun." He grabs his empty bag and ran away to wherever he's going.

This is it, this is the time I need to run away. But somehow, I didn't feel like it... Why am I like this? Why do I not want to leave Dream? Am I getting too attached to him? I groaned and just opened the packed food, see what's inside. There was some sushi, a ham sandwich, and some salad. I take the ham sandwich and just nom on it, waiting for Dream to come back.

I see two boys beside me who just arrived and did the same thing that Dream has prepared for me, both of them looked familiar but I chose to ignore them. I feel stares coming from the boys which made me a bit uncomfortable, so I tucked down my cap that Dream gave me, hiding my face.

I see a shadow approach and looked up, which is a bad idea. I was locked with this man's deep green eyes, "Holy shit... Is that really you? Are you really (Y/n)?" He asks me, which made me panic quite a lot.

"N-No, please stay away from me." I drop my sandwich as I backed away a bit.

"Sam, I think we should call the police, let them know (Y/n)'s here." The other man says, who also is starting to approach me.

The man with green eyes and green hair softly touched my shoulder, massaging me a bit, "Hey, it's alright. We won't hurt you, (Y/n), we're just here to help." He reassures me which didn't work.

"I don't need your help, just leave me be and pretend you never saw me here!" I tried struggling out of his grip but the other one started calling the police. I lunged onto the silver-haired and darker-skinned man, grabbing his phone and throwing it out into the sea, "Don't you dare call the police, I am fine! I don't need any help!" I scream, hoping Dream would just immediately come back.

"(Y/n)!" I hear a scream behind me, only to see that it was Dream, I immediately ran to him and embrace him, not wanting to deal with these two men. "What the hell were you doing to her?" Dream glares at them.

"Wait, aren't you Dream? Sapnap's friend? Have you not even called the police to let them know about (Y/n)? Also, why haven't you been going to school recently?" The silver-haired man asked a bunch of questions to Dream, which I know Dream doesn't like.

"Fuck," Dream muttered under his breath, He looks at me, giving me a soft smile, "There's a small resort just across the street, go to this room and stay there." He says, giving me a room key and kissing my forehead.

I immediately ran to where he told me, knowing that those two men won't be alive soon. If I try to save them, it'll get worse. I look back for a while, seeing that Dream has somehow convinced them to talk to him for a while in his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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