06 [ I know you don't ]

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[ Y/N's POV ]

After eating that midnight dinner, Dream has allowed me to sleep in the bed with him. I had waited for hours and hours, trying to find an opening for me to escape. But he was basically cuddling the shit out of me, it seems inescapable.

After a while, I feet him getting relaxed and soon let go of me, facing the other direction instead. I carefully get up, feeling the adrenaline coming in, luckily I got up. I see him sleeping peacefully in his own bed, I smirk at him and whispered 'Good-bye'. I tip-toed my way to his front door, upon doing that, I hear a very light creak coming from his bedroom.

I look behind me to see him getting out of his room as I quickly ran to his door and opened it, but it wouldn't budge. "Fuck!" I swear and he pulls me by my hair, making me scream in pain. Dream uses his hand to muffle out my screams, I tried my best to kick or punch him, but none of these had effects on him.

"I told you not to get out of this fucking house, you didn't listen, (Y/n). You didn't listen at all! Now, you'll know the consequences whenever you disobey me!" He screams, dragging me towards the basement door.

I cry out, "Please! Please, don't bring me back in there! It's too dark, too cold... You can't do that to me, Dream, I-I love you!" I scream back at him, trying my hardest to convince this psycho.

"Shut up! Know your place," He says and literally threw me down there, making me stumble and fall onto the stairs. "Remember that this is a punishment." He says before leaving and closing the door, locking it from the other side, making sure I won't be able to escape.

I slowly get up, feeling every pain on my body, he literally threw me. I looked at my legs and arm, bruises started to show. I can never get out of this hell hole.






I fucking hate Dream, no matter how hard I try to please him, none of it works... I couldn't even stand or walk properly anymore, I still can't believe he threw me all the way down here as if I was just a ragdoll. I try crawling towards the stairs, just sitting there and wait for him to open the door again. I kinda miss seeing his face, I don't know why, but I just can't stop thinking about him, especially when he killed Punz... He probably is just disgusted by me now, trying to get with Dream. It's not like I'm proud of myself for doing so, I just need to gain his trust for me to escape.

Luckily there was a clock here that I can watch tick, it's been almost two hours since I got locked in here, this is totally useless, I'll still try to escape no matter how many times I'll receive any punishments. I keep my breath shallow and quiet, trying to listen to whatever's going on to the other side of this door. I hear running water, Dream walking around, and I could smell some sort of sweet smell?

I suddenly hear Dream's footsteps coming here, so I immediately went down the stairs, but instead, I kinda slipped and made a loud noise, also pretty painful. I finally see the door open, revealing Dream. "What the hell are you even doing?" He asks, coming down the stairs and picking me up, bridal style.

I look at him, only to see him with shorts and just straight up topless, with a towel hanging on his shoulder, probably just finished showering, considering his hair is pretty damp. "I-I just slipped onto the floor, that's all..." I said, avoiding his gaze.

He puts me softly onto the couch and I see a bunch of basic medical needs on his coffee table, "Sorry I threw you, I was just... Angry." He says, grabbing my wrist softly, folding the sweater's sleeves, checking the bruises underneath there. "Angry that you'd actually leave me when I trusted you." He continuously says, looking straight into my eyes.

Sure, I felt a little bit guilty but I literally just wanna see my girlfriends and my parents right now. I feel my arm sting a bit, he was putting straight isopropyl alcohol on my scratches and bruises on my arm. I couldn't help but scream in pain, "Stop! Stop it!" I tell him and push him away.

He looks at me worriedly, "(Y/n), I need to do this." He sighs and looks for a thick cloth and puts it in my mouth, "Just bite into that or grip onto my other arm if it gets too painful, grip onto me as hard as you want, I won't mind." He tells me and I nodded.

I prepared for another round of pain, the coth that I was biting suppressed my scream a bit, not making it too loud. I grip onto his arm, and he seemed not to be fazed at all, for a while he stopped and wiped the alcohol off. He grabs this bandage and wraps it on my arm, securing it not too tightly. I glanced at his arm to see him bleeding, "Holy shit, I didn't mean to actually grip onto you that hard." I say and grabbed a wipe, cleaning the blood off his arm.

He looks at me and proceeds to chuckle, as if he wasn't in pain, "Physical pain can't really hurt me, (Y/n). Not unless you hurt me emotionally, which I do not like you doing it." He says, giving me a light kiss on the cheek, making me feel flustered a bit.

I let him continue aiding me, it did hurt a lot... But I got used to it pretty soon, just like Dream said. After this whole thing, we were just there on the couch, cuddling with each other. Well, basically it's him cuddling me, he's crushing me with his weight. "I just wanna hold you like this..." He whispers into my ear, softly wrapping his arm around my waist. He was making me into his little spoon, his arm soon slithered into my panties.

I gulped, trying to breathe normally, "Dream, I really don't think we should be doing this right now..." I tell him, too embarrassed to even look at him.

He rubs his fingers onto my clit, making me moan. "This is just an apology for hurting you, let me at least pleasure you." He says, continuing to rub my pussy lips vigorously, making me moan uncontrollably.

Whatever Dream was doing, he was good at it. "Please, I really don't like this right now," I tell him as I gripped onto his hand, stopping him from doing any more.

I sit up and he does the same, he gives me a smirk and licked my juices from his fingers. "I know you don't, but I'm really fucking hard right now, I just can't let you go away." He pins me down onto the couch, he had an advantage against me since I was bruised all over and didn't have the strength to even hit him.

"You don't understand, Dream... This is considered rape, you can't just touch me whenever you want without my consent!" I scream at him and tried to kick him, which he eventually let go and just glared at me. I panicked, "I-I'm sorry, you wouldn't let go and— ah!" I yelped, he gripped onto my hair really hard, as I cry out a bit.

"Do you want me to throw you down there again?" He mentions the dark basement and I hastily shake my head, "Alright, then you listen to me... I own you, you are mine. In that case, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with you, you got me, pet?" He tells me as I nodded, kissing my neck and onto my collarbone, marking me again.

I was weak, numb even... I don't even know what to do anymore at this point. I knew getting to him would be absolutely useless, nothing can break this man the way he broke me.

"Smile" [c!Dream x Neautral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now