07 [ Come With Me ]

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I woke up on the bed with Dream by my side, I try sitting up, feeling how painful my lower abdomen is. I stand up as my whole leg couldn't even support me anymore, I hiss in pain, waking up Dream. He stands up immediately, helping me up, "Now you're just trying too hard," He says, making my eyebrows furrow.

"What do you even mean? I was just trying to stand up and get some water, it's not like I want you to do everything for me." I glared at him and pushed him away, I managed to walk myself to the kitchen and had some tap water for me to drink.

I see Dream following and is already preparing for breakfast, "You go ahead and wait, I'm gonna be making you the best breakfast ever." He grins, wrapping his hands on my waist, kissing me on the lips.

I shake my head and lightly push him back, "I'll help you out, your cooking is trash." I flatly said it out and he wheezes, laughing his ass off.

He gladly agreed to let me help him, we both decided to make some bacon and eggs, and then top it off with some pancakes. My stomach began to rumble and I was slightly embarrassed with that, "Someone's hungry, why don't we go ahead and eat, honey?" He ruffles my hair and we both sat by the dining table, tasting our own food that we made.

I moaned in satisfaction, this was one of the proper meals I had in a long time... Wait, since when have I been here? Two days, I believe, how long are we even gonna continue to act like this? I see Dream scrolling through his phone, I just realized, I don't have mine. "You destroyed my phone, didn't you?" I asked, clearly displeased.

"Yeah, I dumped into the toilet, picked it up, and smashed it with my sledgehammer just to be sure," He says it like it was nothing, even smiling so innocently. This man has problems, I can tell ever since he dragged me in here.

The whole breakfast was just quiet after that, not until he started talking again, "I want you to come with me."

I raise my eyebrow, "To where exactly?" I ask the man, curious about it. I might think of an escape tactic if I join him, I starter eyeing him suspiciously... What if he kills me? No, he's way too obsessed over me, there's no way he would do that unless he's bored of me. I really need to stop overthinking things, I won't be dying today.

"On a date, I have a few surprises here and there." He awkwardly starts rubbing his neck and avoiding my gaze, looks like he's being genuine about this.

Somehow, this side of him is scarier than the other one. I can never tell what he's thinking about, I sigh and nodded, I see him smiling excitedly. "Alright, sure..." I tell him.






I can't believe he actually bought me some new outfit to wear just for this date, "Th-Thank you, I guess..." I tell him, avoiding looking at his face. He probably looks like those excited dogs, wagging his tail vigorously, as if he was excited to see his owner come home.

I wait for him to leave the room so I can change, "Why don't we go ahead and..." He embraces me from behind, kissing the back of my neck, "Shower first, hm?"

As much as I didn't want to do this with him, I had to or else he'd hit me over and over again, or stay in the basement for hours. We go into the bathroom and helps me take off my sweater and undergarments, "What about you?" I ask him, covering myself.

He chuckles, pushing my hair at the back of my ear. "Eager now, aren't we?" He smirks, taking off his shirt, his grey sweatpants, and his boxers. Why is he even hard right now?

"Smile" [c!Dream x Neautral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now