03 [ What the hell?! ]

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After hanging out with Dream, we both noticed that the moon has finally risen, we weren't even looking at the time. "Crap, I should totally go home now..." I tell Dream and saw some miscalls from both of my parents. 

"Right, shit... Well, I can drop you off at your house, I have my car with me." He offers, but I politely decline the man.

"Thank you, but I don't wanna be a bother. I can just walk towards my house," I tell him and he quickly understood. We both get out of the cafe, where we first met and went to our separate ways.

I felt the same presence, the presence of being watched. I look behind me to see a hooded man, his face covered by the shadows. I took a sharp turn at a very dark alleyway, I see his face covered in a mask. I was now running away from a man with a mask, I don't know what he wants from me, but I suddenly hit a dead end, I finally have nowhere to run.

"No, don't be afraid..." He says as he approaches me, softly caressing my neck. I hated his touch, I was in pure disgust.

I couldn't say anything, nor move, I was frozen to this man's touch, "Why don't you smile?" He tells me as he immediately knocks me out with a punch.






For what feels like a couple of seconds, I look at my surroundings, it was dim and scary looking. In front of me was... "Punz?!" I exclaimed, he slowly lifts his face, he was covered in blood and bruises.

He also sees me and weakly calls out to me, "No, no... You can't be here..." He says, and coughing out blood.

"Don't speak, please..." I told him as I tried moving, only to figure out that we were both tied up to a chair, "What?" I question myself. My hands were tied behind me with the chair and my legs were also tied to the chair, this situation was worse than I thought.

I see the man with the mask come down, "Would you look at you two!" He exclaims and takes off his mask.

"W-What the hell?! No, no... This can't be." I mumble, it was Dream... It was Dream all along. That's why I've been seeing him a lot, he was also stalking me for the last couple of months. He took Punz here, beat him up, and now I'm also here.

"I thought you were smarter than this, (Y/n). But man, aren't you hot getting tied up. I've been waiting to finally get you and do whatever I want to do with you, fuck... I am so turned on right now seeing you like this." He shows me his grin. He grabs a knife and slowly went towards me.

"Shut the fuck up, you fucking crazy freak. Don't you dare touch them, I'll beat you up if you do!" Punz screams, trying to break free from the ties.

Dream laughs maniacally, "You're the one tied up, not me... Now how in the world could you do that?" He asks Punz and crouches down at him, slightly teasing his skin with the knife.

I hear Punz wince, "Please, enough! Do whatever you want with me, but please... Let him go." I begged as tears began rolling down my face.

Dream stands as he stands up, looking down at me, "What was that? I couldn't hear you."

I hesitated but this man suddenly slaps me across the face, "P-Please, leave him be and you can do whatever you want with me... Please, I beg you!" I now scream, not wanting Punz to get hurt any longer.

He grips onto my hair, making me look up at him, "Good pet, now... I'm gonna untie you onto the chair, but you better not run from me... Or I'll kill him." He says, pointing the knife at Punz.

I nodded and as he said, he unties me to the chair but leaving the cuffing me to the wrists. He was now the one sitting in the chair, unbuttoning his pants, showing off his bulge. Punz looks at us and I was beyond embarrassed, "(Y/n), don't... Don't do it." He whispers.

"Shut up! You don't get to order her around, you don't get to speak with them either." Dream furiously shuts Punz up, he looks at me and gently touched my thigh, "Now, you don't have to put in you... I just want you to give me a simple blowjob, just use your mouth, and none of those hands, alright? Okay, kneel for me." He orders me.

I nodded, not wanting to speak up. I kneeled as he said, he grabs his cock out, showing me how big it is. I was nervous, scared. I was really hesitant to do it, but if I don't do this... I lose Punz. I started down his shaft and up to the tip, making Dream groan in pleasure. I began putting it all in my mouth, making me gag a bit.

"Fuck, your best friend sure knows how to suck a man off..." I hear Dream teasing Punz, out of instinct, I grab his cock with my hands to which I got pushed off and slapped across my face again. "What did I just tell you? No using of hands, remember?" He clicks his tongue and puts his boxers and pants back on. "This is just fucking useless..." He groans in annoyance.

He stands up and tells me to sit back down onto the chair, and I did. He grabs the knife again making me panic, "What are you doing? I told you not to fucking touch them!" Punz gives him a warning.

Dream looks at him, "Oh no, this isn't for them... It's for you!" He screams and plunges the knife straight onto Punz's chest.

I screamed in horror, "NO!" I ran to them and see Punz's body fall onto the floor with the chair. "No no no no!" I caress his face, as I see Dream smiling, satisfied at what he just did.

Punz couldn't even talk, only his uneven, shallow breath could only be heard in this small basement. I stand up and hit Dream, but I was too weak to actually even hurt him, "Come on... Don't be so fucking dramatic, (Y/n). You knew this was coming, yet you still actually tried giving me a blowjob. How fucking funny!" He laughs maniacally, making it echo in this room.

My legs began shaking, making me fall onto the floor. I cried my eyes out, gripping onto Dream's ankles. I was too hurt and disgusted seeing Punz's lifeless body, I couldn't handle all of this.

"Smile" [c!Dream x Neautral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now