04 [ Let me go, please... ]

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[ Art Credits: @LustyPieLita on Twitter ]

After that psychopath stabbed my best friend's chest, he tied my hands onto this pole, so that I couldn't escape. This room smelt so bad, it reeked of death, blood, dirt, and just putrid. My clothing was very dirty, I was very dirty, I've been crying for the past hours I've been here.

"Dream, please!" I screamed for a hundredth time now, calling him to come down. "Please, I need you right now!" Obviously, this was a lie, I just want him to come to me.

I hear light footsteps from above and a door opening, he's here! I put on my best fake smile, he comes down with some things in his hand. "Sorry, I just went outside to get you some stuff." He crouches down at my level and softly grabs my hands that were bloody from Punz, he grabs some wet wipes and cleans them.

He grabs a knife which made me flinch, he saw my reaction and mumbled out something, he cuts the ropes for me so I would be free but told me not to run, which I did or else I would absolutely just die. I let him take my shirt and my jeans off, he softly touches me from my hand up to my face, he caresses me and we both make eye contact.

He immediately avoided my gaze and awkwardly did a cough, he quickly grabs another wet wipe and cleans my whole body. Dream was very gentle, it was like he's a different person all of a sudden, he didn't look crazy. For some reason, I had the urge to hug him, to which I did. He stiffened but slowly relaxed, he wraps his arms around my waist. I cried and he strokes my hair, "Let me go, please..." I softly said.

He sighs and breaks the hug, he stands up and threw me a huge, (f/c) sweater. "You know I can't do that, (Y/n)." He glares at me. I immediately wear the sweater, making myself warmer, "Fuck, you'll probably even tell someone!" There he goes, he's screaming again.

I slowly get up and held onto him for support, "No, no I won't... I would never do that." I say, and I kissed him, hoping he would be convinced.

He kisses me back but soon backed away. Dream grabs my wrist, dragging me up and into a room, probably his bedroom. He threw me onto the bed and he was on top of me, "You are making me crazy, do you know that?" He hungrily looks at me with his lustful eyes.

I reached out and slowly caressing his cheeks, "Do whatever you want to me," I whispered in his ear, making him shiver.

He takes a deep breath, taking his hoodie off and throwing it away somewhere in the room. He was really well built, not too muscular, but not too thin either. He was somehow perfect, his freckles were beautiful, they were like stars plastered on his body. Dream then helps me taking off the sweater and my undergarments. "You're perfect..." He tells me, his hands roaming from my face to my thighs, his touch was so gentle, as if he didn't want to break me.

Shit, what am I thinking? What am I even doing, I'm about to fuck the man who just killed my best friend and dumped his body somewhere I don't know, that's what I'm doing. Dream began kissing my neck, down to my collar, giving me love bites. To be honest, it was so good that I didn't even notice that I began letting out sounds I've never let out ever. He immediately looks at me in shock, "D-Did you enjoy that?" He asks, struggling to get his words out properly.

I cover my face with my arms and slowly nodded, "It was... Pleasing." I tell him, I looked at the man and his face lit up, then lets out a chuckle. "Wh-what's so funny?" I furrow my eyebrows and sit up, grabbing the pillow to hide my body.

"Nothing's funny, I just feel like... You're acting too normal towards me, after I literally kidnapped you and actually killed that stupid boyfriend of yours." He says and made a disgusted face when he mentioned Punz.

I grab a different pillow on his bed and threw it at his face, "It's because you act as if nothing happened, and it made me forget that you actually did something so fucking horrible... Also, Punz is not my boyfriend, never was and never will, he was like big brother to me... That's all." I rambled, and just went under his sheets, hiding my whole self from him.

"Sure, but have you seen the way he looks at you? Like, surely he feels something about you." He scoffs, and also going in the sheets with me. He faces my direction and I feel his hands stroking my thighs, "I just couldn't handle how he looks at you, you gotta understand why I did that to him, (Y/n)." He gave out a pleading look.

I click my tongue and face the other direction, not wanting to look at him again. His hands travel down to my, wait... I grab his hand away from me, "What are you doing?" I ask him, facing him once again, he had that satisfied smirk plastered onto his face.

"I'm giving you pleasure," He says it like it was nothing, "Wait, don't tell me... You haven't been touched, haven't you? Neither have you had sex with anyone." He looked so happy.

I sit up and pushed him down, "Then take me," I glare at him, he was looking at me in shock. I got his grey sweatpants off, he was obviously rock hard right now. I gulp nervously, I take his boxers off and did what I needed to do. I stroked him slowly, teasing the man. Licking his tip as I continuously stroke him, but a bit faster this time.

I look up at him, his face was a bit flushed and he was groaning in pleasure. He sees me looking at him and smirks at me, "You look so fucking hot right now, holy shit..." He grabs my hair, making me go down deeper, making me gag. He was basically face-fucking me right now, "I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum," He says and soon shoots his seed in my mouth.

I cough a bit, tasting the saltiness of his cum. I opened my mouth, letting that cum drip down my tongue. Dream sits up a bit, grabbing a tissue out from the small drawer beside the bed, "Spit it out," He says and I followed, spitting it out on the tissue. He grabs more, cleaning himself, after that, he throws it onto the trash bin in his room.

He goes back onto the bed and looks at me, "What?" I ask him, he forcefully let me lay down and spreads my legs open, "W-Wait, hold on now-" Before I could finish my sentence, he goes down on me, licking the lips of my pussy and proceeds tease my clit with his thumb. I let out a moan, but I tried so hard to keep quiet.

"Let out your voice, I wanna hear you... Also grip onto my hair as rough as you want," He says, grabbing my hand and letting me grip onto his hair. His tongue enters me, making me feel some sort of way. I was feeling too much, I can't even really explain it. He stops and uses his finger, putting one first. I became a moaning mess, "That's right, don't be afraid to moan for me." He whispers into my ear, making me shiver.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he puts another finger in, he was just pumping it in and out, hitting my spot with his long fingers. "D-Dream, I don't think I'm feeling a bit... I- I don't know what it is." I said, still confused on what I'm feeling.

"Shh, it's alright. Just let it out, (Y/n)." He whispers, fingering me faster and harder.

"N-No, wait... I think I'm about to- Dream, please!" I scream his name and somehow orgasmed, Dream finally slows down and I see him lick his fingers, "W-Why'd you do that?"

He smirks, "Cause you taste absolutely amazing," He says, he grabs my undergarments, "Put it on, don't want you getting cold." And also threw the sweater to me.

I immediately put on my clothes and he also did the same, suddenly we hear someone by the door, knocking. Dream immediately grabs me and puts me back in the basement, "Wait, don't leave me here..." I cry out.

He glares at me, "Sorry, honey, but you need to stay here and keep quiet." He orders me and threw me a blanket and a pillow, "You can go ahead and sleep, just keep your mouth shut." He went back up and locked the door, there he goes, leaving me alone again in this dirty and dark room.

He's such a prick.

"Smile" [c!Dream x Neautral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now