02 [ He's gone? ]

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I wake up to my alarm, looking at my phone instantly. I tried messaging and calling Punz last night, but never got a reply. Hopefully, he's alright, but he probably fell asleep early again.

Just like any normal day, I get up from my bed and took a shower. I went with my everyday outfit, doing a bit of my makeup, and styling my hair. I grab my things and proceeded to grab my bag, I checked my phone and still had no replies from Punz whatsoever, this is starting to get me worried.

I went downstairs and see my parents there, already wide awake at six o'clock in the morning, I'm not surprised. I sit beside my mother and we ate breakfast, "Dad, can you drive me to school today?" I respectfully asked him.

He nods and reaches out to me, ruffling my hair a bit, "Sure, no problem, sweetheart."

I gave him a quick thanks and continuously ate my breakfast, after that, I brushed my teeth, and prepared myself to go to school.

Father drove me all the way to school, while also asking about how I'm doing there, obviously, I lied to him and telling him that I feel fine there. He drops me by the front of the school, "Come home early, okay? Tell Punz that, don't want you guys being away for so long... Also, if you can, tell him he's invited for a dinner tonight." He tells me before he drives away.

I go to my school locker, as usual, grabbing the stuff that I need storing the others that I don't need. I see my other friends, Niki, Puffy, and Hannah. They see me and ran towards me, greeting me, "(Y/nnnn)!" Hannah exclaims, hugging me tightly.

Puffy and Niki were both chuckling, "You look down than usual, is there something wrong?" Puffy asks as she sees my face, I wasn't the usual person who was somewhat smiley.

The other girls noticed and their faces were no longer happy, they were all worried, why do I always make people worry about me? I sighed and frowned, "Punz told me to message or call him last night, to which I did... But he never replied to me." I tell them.

"Not even this morning?" Niki asks politely and I shake my head. "How about you ask, Sapnap, that's one of his friends, and I believe you have the same class as him... Right about now." She says and our school bell rang, indicating that classes start now.

I nodded and the four of us bid our farewell, I got into my geometry class and sat at the very back like I always do. I wait for all of the students to come in and saw Sapnap, I call for him let him sit beside me. Before the teacher could come in, I decided to talk to him, "You're like really close with Punz, right?"

He shows me a huge grin and nodded, "Yeah, we're basically like blood brothers. Why'd you ask?" He asks, but before I could respond to him, he lets out a loud gasp. "Wait, no way... Are you guys finally together?

I choked on my own spit for a bit, "I- WHat? No, we're not dating. I'm just here to ask if you know where he is, he hasn't replied to my messages or calls." I tell him and show him my phone as proof.

"Oh, well... He did tell me he was excited to call you but then he also stopped responding to me to which I thought you guys were now hanging out. But, I'm sure he's fine, (Y/n)." He smiles at me and I did the same.

I sighed and waited for my first class to finish, after an hour, it finally did, and quickly get up and got my stuff. I decided to skip some of the other classes since I needed to check up on Punz, so I went out by this huge tree and stood by the shade, it was a lot quieter here and no other people.

I grab my phone from my bag and called Punz's mother, later she picked up, "Hello ma'am, I'm just wondering... is Punz home there with you?" I asked politely.

"Oh, he's not dear... We called for the police, but no one has ever seen him yet, h-he's gone." She says, sounding very worried and sad. "But I know he's safe... I can feel it."

"Alright, thank you for your time, and I'm sure he's also safe. Have a great day..." I said and ended the call, I look down, still worried about my best friend. He's gone? That's not like Punz at all. I step forward only to hit someone, dropping my bag by accident, I look up and it was the same man I saw at the cafe yesterday, "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" I panicked.

He helps me get my stuff and our hands accidentally touch, I immediately pulled away as he gave me back my things, "It's alright, it was intentional." He looks down at me and smiles with his teeth, he had a bit of some fangs there.

I gave out a quiet chuckle, "S-So you go to school here?" I ask him.

He nods, "Yep, I'm a senior here... Last year of school, exciting isn't it?" He snickers, acting all excited. "How about you? What year are you in?"

"I'm in year 11," I gave him a simple answer, I looked at his features even more, "That's why you look familiar... I have seen you here around." I told him and his cheeks went red a little bit.

"O-Oh, you have? Hopefully, you didn't see me being silly, I'm a pretty annoying person, to be honest." He gave out an awkward chuckle and is trying to hide his blush with his hood up, "Also, why are you skipping class?"

"I-I just decided to call someone, I'm worried for my best friend... His mom told me that he's gone." I frowned, trying not to get too worried.

"Ah, I'm sure he's gonna come back." Dream says, patting my shoulder. Giving some sort of reassurance, "I don't know your friend, but I'm sure he'll be alright." 

I nodded, "So, why are you skipping class?" I gave him the same question that he asked me a while ago.

He laughs and we both started walking together, all the way outside the school grounds, "Well, school sucks... And I mostly skip it, it's a bit of a bothersome talking to the teachers and other students." He answers.

"Right, that is true..." I playfully roll my eyes, and we both started, somehow, talking to each other. I thought it was gonna be awkward, and I think this is a good way for me not to focus on Punz for a while. All the nervousness and worry went all away when I was talking to Dream, he has this some sort of aura that I can't explain... It's somehow intoxicating.

"Smile" [c!Dream x Neautral Reader]Where stories live. Discover now