Ch 13: Reflection

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A sunny day in Paris. It's common during spring. While some days may be cloudy, it was still warm. Marinette did not pay attention to the weather. She had to keep her mind occupied after the events that have unfolded. Shadow Moth agreed to work with them, seeing as they have a common enemy.

The declaration of truce did not put Marinette's mind at ease. Shadow Moth has been their enemy for almost two years now. He has spent days on end akumatizing people to get what he wants. And that is something Marinette found hard to forget. Having most of his family being victims of akumas didn't help. It only made her hate Shadow Moth even more.

But the more she thought about it, they did need allies. Reality was out there, ready to strike at any given time. And he had no intention to show mercy. Even so, Reality was no murderer. He cared about the world in his own way and wanted to make it a better place. So why was he their enemy?

"Everything you hold dear will be gone. Gone into the world I will create."

Into the world he will create...? What did he mean by that? No one can just create a world from scratch. It's impossible unless you are a God. Reality was no God. True his powers were God-like, but not even he had that much power. Then again, if Cat Blanc could destroy a galaxy, then why should she dismiss the idea that Reality can create a galaxy?

She was snapped out of her thoughts as the trap door leading to her room opened up, with two teenagers walking inside. A blue haired boy and a blonde girl with a pink stripe in her hair. Luka and Zoé got out of the hospital the day before. They were completely healthy, but they just had some bruises. Luckily, Reality never made them fatally bleed, showing he was still in the realm of humanity. The scratches they used to have were in bandages, but that did not seem to hinder their movements.

"Guys!" Marinette squealed and ran to hug her two friends, who embraced her back with smiles.

"How are you two feeling?" she asked.

"Just some bruises now. We are perfectly healthy." Luka answered.

"How are you, Marinette?" Zoé asked.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine for the most part. It's been a rough few days. But I have some good news for you."

"What is it?" Luka raised a brow.

Marinette went to the Miracle Box and took out two miraculous. The snake and the bee.

"You got them back!?" Zoé clapped her hands with a happy smile, like a small child.

"Yeah. Shadow Moth gave them back, offering a truce between us. He wants to help stop Reality. I know, I know, we can't trust him. But he wouldn't have given me these if he wasn't serious. Just... Promise me you won't transform in your states? Take a few days off to heal. The miraculous will help you heal faster."

The two nodded and took their respective miraculous, putting them on as their kwamis appeared, all too happy see their real owners. The two smiled and offered their kwamis some food, which they gladly accepted and ate as they sat on their shoulders.

"If Reality strikes, please stay out of it. Like I said, your miraculous have healing properties, but I don't want you in battle until you are completely healthy. Am I clear?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, ma'am!" Luka and Zoé mockingly saluted her. Marinette rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back her giggles.

Pocket Dimension


Reality leapt out of a smoke screen created by a fake Ladybug getting a smoke bomb as a lucky charm. He summoned saw blades and hurled them at the smoke.

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