💫 Intent 💫
This magickal spray will attract attention towards you, while giving you that big boost of confidence to handle all the attention! Perfect for witches who are socially anxious but greatly yearns for companionship, be it platonic or romantic ( It's me, I'm the witch :') )
🌟 Materials 🌟
Rose 🌹
Rosemary 🌿
Pink Himalayan Salt 🍨🧂
Water 💧
Clove Oil ☘
Citrus Oil 🍊
Rose Oil 🥀
Peppermint oil 🍃
Rose Quartz Chips 🌹💎
Crystal Quartz Chips 💎
💌 Possible ingredients for substitution: Jasmine, Thyme, Other type of roses, violets (perfect if you're sapphic!), Spearmint oil, Carnelian chips, Catnip etc.🔮 Tools 🔮
Oil Burner or Cauldron 🥘
Mortar and Pestle
Pink, Red, or Yellow Candle (to signify romance, beauty, or friendship)
Tealight Candle to lit the cauldron
Small Spoon
Spray Bottle💋 How To Cast The Spell 💋
Meditate on your intent. Play relaxing music. Think of how it would feel to finally be confident and have people be attracted to you. Feel the energy build up. Lit the colored candle
Pour water 💧 in the cauldron, then lit a tealight under it.
Grind roses 🌹 with a mortar and pestle, then put it in the cauldron.
Stir it with a spoon three times.
Pour 3 pinches of Himalayan Pink Salt 🍨 "For beauty, For love, For purity"
Pour clove oil ☘ "to attract"
Pour citrus oil 🍊 "to bring happiness and joy to all who sees me"Pour peppermint oil 🍃 "so that they will listen to my every word"
Pour rosemary 🌿 "For love and virtue"
Stir the potion clockwise three times to release the energy, then counter-clockwise to seal it.
Pour rose quartz chips 🌹💎 and crystal quartz chips 💎 into the spray bottle, then pour the potion in.
Meditate on your intent, then do what you must to finish the spell.