💗psychic enhancement jar
• a four leaf clover (for psychic power!)
* basil herb (magical power)
* sage herb (protection and psychic power)
* amethyst shards (magical power)
* sea salt (protection and power)
* rosemary herb (magical power)
* tigers eye shards (empowerment)
* carnelian shards (energy)
* a quartz point (enhances your intent)
* a key-like metal object (unlocks your ability)💗psychic dream enhancing potion
- 1 tablespoon of lavender essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of frankincense essential oil
- 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile (can be cut open from a tea bag)
- A pinch of dried or fresh rose petals
- first mix together the oils
- Add the chamomile and stir well
- Lastly add the rose petals
- (optional) let some clear quartz crystals soak in it overnight in a container
- Bottle up mix into a roller bottle or a dropper bottle (squish chamomile and rose leaves in the bottle as well)
- Use before bed, massage onto your temples, neck and wrists and say "may my ancestors, angels and spirit guides allow me to receive psychic messages through my dreams"
- Then go to sleep! (If it does not work the first time, try using it for a consistent amount of days as it may take some time for it to start working)💗to enhance psychic awareness
Expand your Psychic Talents by tapping into the element of Water on a Monday night of either a Full or Waxing Moon.
You will need:
-A clear glass bowl
-A pen or marker with Blue or Purple ink.
First, with your pen or marker, draw and charge the symbol of a waning crescent, which is a symbol that represents Psychic Power.
Next, fill up the bowl with warm water. Place the bowl on top of the symbol, where it can sit in the moonlight. Charge the herbs with the intent of psychic awareness, then drop them into the water. Next, take in the moon's energy, and use it to charge the water itself, while saying:
"By moonlight, by herbs, and by mystic sign,
I bless and empower this Water,
On this, the day of the moon and her intuitions,
that it may enhance my sixth sense,
and make me more Psychically Aware."
Let the herbs steep overnight in the light of the moon. In the morning, strain the herbs, and then later on, add the empowered Water to your bath, while visualizing your psychic power being enhanced.
Further Tips For Developing Psychic Awareness:
-Meditate regularly
-Write down your dreams, and any psychic impressions that you get during the waking hours.
-Find the Ace of Spades: take three playing cards, one of them being the Ace of Spades, and mix them up while facing them down on a surface. Exercise your Psychic talent by using it to find the Ace.
-Regularly practicing divination such as Tarot can also aid in the development of Psychic awareness.💗prosperity spell
To attract a steady income and financial stability. 💰💸💲
• Candle- Green, for money. Gold, for abundance. White is always fine. A 7 Day candle is best, but a taper or pillar will work, too.
• A bank note that was rightfully earned- I usually use a dollar, but you could use whatever you've got. No shame here.
• Pennies- to circle the candle.
• Optional: a dressing oil for the candle (mine is made with oils and herbs associated with money and abundance), and bank dirt to circle the candle.
1) Carve some sigils of wealth, financial stability, and money into the candle. Dress it, if you decide to do so. This would be the time to pray over the candle and really solidify what you're asking for. I write my petition and tape it to the side of my candle jar, but if you don't practice hoodoo, you'll likely skip this part.
2) Place the bank note under the candle, the pennies and dirt around the candle.
3) Light the candle and chant, "A dollar here, a dollar, prosperity is everywhere!" six times (chosen for its numerological association with financial abundance and security). As you do this, visualize the money flowing to you and envision yourself openly accepting it.
4) Snuff or pinch out the candle and repeat every night until the candle is gone.💗the empress' reclaim spell
a spell to strengthen your feminine energy
- • The Empress tarot card
* The Strength tarot card
* A pink candle
* A red candle
* A bowl
* A jar
* Snow water (or rain water if snow is unavailable to you)
* An apricot
What To Do
* Fill your bowl with snow (or rain) water.
* Take your candles and place them on each side of the bowl and light them.
* Take the apricot and put it in the bowl of snow (or rain) water.
* Lay your cards in front of the bowl with Strength being on the bottom and the Empress on top.
* Take your candles now and drip two drops of the waxes into the bowl around the apricot and then put them back on each side of the bowl.
* As the candles burn say/think "Oh card of the Empress, help me strengthen my femininity and strengthen my feminine energies. Help me radiate them from my being." as many times as you wish.
* After you're done saying/thinking the chant mediate on the cards for a little while.
* Once you feel you mediated enough end the spell by blowing out the candles, disposing of everything properly but the apricot, and keep the apricot in a jar nearby.💗restore neutrality
-for clearing energies in a relationship and restoring neutrality and detachment
☁️ clear quartz for neutral energies
🌹 roses, rosewater, rose quartz or any item you associate with love
* meditate on intent. Why do you want to restore neutrality? What feelings do you wish to release? Some feelings that you may want to clear: resentment, jealousy, attachment, possessiveness, feeling hurt or wronged, entitlement, comparison, etc.
* speak this into the quartz to affirm neutral energies:
no residual feelings are left
all that remains is clarity
i release my relationship to you
and restore between us neutrality
* adorn yourself with the roses/rosewater/meditate with rose quartz and pour love back into yourself. whatever healthy love you felt was missing from that relationship can easily be restored within you!
it is done.💗super banishing oil and powder
- • 3 bay leaves
* ¼ tsp cumin
* ¼ cup torn onion skins - the papery outer layer if you can get them
* ¼ tsp grated horseradish
* ½ cup vegetable oil
Combine all the ingredients in a pot, swirl to combine. Let them lightly simmer on low. You don't really want to cook the oil, just warm it through. Stir constantly until you can smell the herbs. Remove from heat and let sit for 1-2 hours. Once cooled strain the herbs out (or don't) and pour into a storage container. Keep in a cool, dry place.
• Black Pepper
* Cayenne Pepper
* Chili Powder
* Paprika
* Mix together ingredients while infusing with intent to banish whatever the hell is up in your business
* Put into a container when finished, using when necessary in spells, charms, on barriers, or straight up throw it.💗beauty-a potion to make you feel and look your best
• cucumber: beauty, healing, youth, aphrodite
* almond milk: beauty, luck, universal love
* cinnamon: healing, protection, love, lust, aphrodite
* avocado: beauty, luck, attraction, lust
* rosemary: love, protection, aphrodite
* a cauldron or pan to boil the liquid
* a jar to hold the liquid
1. Pour two cups of almond milk into the pan and put it on a medium heat
2. cut the cucumber (i did about half)
3. cut the acacado and mash it up to be as smooth as you can
4. put the cucumber, acacado (including the stone), a few pinches of cinnamon and some rosemary into the pan
5. keep stiring in a clockwise motion and bring to a simmer, changing the temperature if needed
6. pour your intention intention into it and say some affirmations that represent what you want to achieve. pray to aphrodite (or your chosen deity if you work with one) as well.
7. once the milk has turned a light green and you think it's ready take it off the heat
8. filter the potion so you just have the liquid and put it in the container
You can use this as a body wash or put it on your face and leave it on and then wash it off. I used it to shave.💗protection for your home wash
* rain water: cleansing, protection, purification
* full harvest moon water: purification, blessing, cleansing
* rosemary (dried and oil): protection, luck, purify, cleanse, remove worries, repel thieves
* 'on guard' oil mix: promote health, heal sickness, protection
* frankensense oil: purification, luck, protection
* basil: protection, wealth
* bay: protection, luck, wishes
* egg shell: protection
* sage (i used fresh leaves): protection, purification, cleansing
* black pepper: protection
* oak leaves: banishing, protection
* salt and pink salt: protection, banishing, removing negative energy, loveWHAT TO DO:
1. mix all the ingridents into a bowl and find a clean wash cloth
2. soak the washcloth in it (don't worry if some the herbs get on it)
3. wipe down all your doors or windows that lead into your house focusing on the intent of protecting you, your family and the house itself💗attract a new friend
-three brown or pink candles, paper. write the traits you want to have your new friend to have on paper. read them aloud to yourself the fold the paper into fourths, and light the edge of it saying "With heart and mind I do now speak
Bring to me the one I seek.
Let this paper be the guide
And bring this friend to my side.
Pain and loneliness be no more
Draw a compatriot to my door.
With pleasures many and sorrows few
Let us build a friendship new.
Let not this simple spell coerce
Or make my situation worse.
As I will it, it shall be."