new moon- fresh starts, setting intentions and manifestations, cleansing, new beginnings, shadow work, and self development. use new moon water in spells or rituals focusing on things like new employment, new relationships, or new homes.
full moon- power, success, goals coming to fruition, charging items. the full moon is the point at which the moon is at its peak, so use full moon water for spells that require an extra push of energy. also use full moon water in spells to promote strength, love, protection, health, or use in spells to strengthen spiritual gifts and achieve your dreams
waxing moon- growth, planning, taking action, starting new projects. the waxing moon is the period in which the moon is growing in size, so use waxing moon water as a way to grow the strength of your spells. It is beneficial in spells to promote growth (of abilities, skill, or knowledge). the power of the waxing moon also increases the potency of fertility spells, wealth, luck, business and relationship spells
waning moon- releasing, letting go, banishment, internal work and reflection. the waning moon is the period in which the moon is decreasing in size, so use waning moon water for all magic intended to remove things from your life; banishing spells to rid yourself of bad habits, toxic relationships, lingering diseases, weight loss, stress, addictions and negativity
dark moon- when justice is required and is not obtainable outside of your spell work, casting in the dark of the moon and adding dark moon water will help with any crosses, hexes or binding spells
super moon- it's full moon water x10000000000. gives an extra kick of energy
✨correspond the energies of the signs for intent.
1) full moon water in aries = couragous, positive energy; charging tools
2) full moon water in taurus = stable, earth, fertile energy
3) full moon water in gemini = positive charge, overcoming obstacles
4) full moon water in cancer = loving, maternal, protective energies
5) full moon water in leo = lucky, creative, successful energy; arts, politics
6) full moon water in virgo = practical energy; facilitates planning
7) full moon water in libra = persuasive, balancing energies; legal matters
8) full moon water in scorpio = psychic, spiritual, banishing energy
9) full moon water in sagittarius = transforming, spiritual energy; meditation
10) full moon water in capricorn = careers, politics, attaining material goods
11) full moon water in aquarius = innovative, inventive energies
12) full moon water in pisces = dreamy, psychic energy; astral projection