a lot of random

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💗 Mind Balance Candle Spell
A spell to balance one's mind and help them focus on their goals without distractions
You Will Need:
* A grey candle
* Fluorite - focusing
* Full moon water
* Sigil for balance and clarity
Getting Started:
Dress your candle with the full moon water, charging it with the energy from your hands
Carve or draw the sigil onto the candle (if the candle is too small, place the sigil beside it)
Place the fluorite by the candle and light it
Allow the candle to burn down completely
Keep the fluorite on your person and repeat the spell when you need a boost!

💗 healing and protection
🌿Burn Bowl/Plate
🌿Blue/Black Candle for protection & banishment/dispelling something
🌿Vetiver Oil for protection & grounding (in case fear of death)
🌿Pink Salt for love, emotional healing and protection
🌿Black Tea Leaves for strength
🌿Coriander for protection against ill health
🌿Horehound for physical/bodily protection, quick action, healing and strength

Cast a circle of protection and love around you. I play some meditation frequencies and imagine a large golden circle expanding outward from my feet until it reaches the desired size, then I visualize it "locking" into place and glowing strongly.
Anoint your candle and, aloud or mentally, explain what each intention is. "I anoint this candle in vetiver for the protection of (person's) body and soul; to ground them into their feet; they will not leave their body, it is not their time."
Place your candle on a candlestick or somewhere it will stand upright, and light it. Rub the excess oil onto your hands and remember to breathe.
Set the candle into a burn-proof bowl or on a dish. Scatter the pink salt along the base of the candle/holder, "This salt clears away the pain, it comforts, it loves and forgives. She(/pronoun) will forgive herself & her body, she will heal, she will recover. She is protected. In this I lend her some of my power."
Sprinkle the black tea & coriander, "This tea fortifies her will, her strength. She is strong and clear; her body is powerful, it is beyond capable."
Take the horehound and twist into a braid or rope, "She will receive the healing she needs, it will come soon and until it does, she will remain strong and protected. This rope represents the circle of protection; of life; like the seeds inside of this herb, she will grow and return again to health. But until she receives what she needs (and here you can designate what is needed, i.e, a transplant, medicine, time, etc), she will be stayed and comforted by this rope of protection and strength." Twist the braid into a wreath shape and place around the base of the candle.
Then write and recite (or choose one):
"I call upon the power above
In perfect trust, in perfect love
I ask for (person's) health and energy
Balanced and in synergy
Healthy body, mind, and soul
A perfect balance, healthy whole
I am here to do my part
For her (/pronoun) healthy body, healthy heart
Everyday let her health increase
Until all signs of this illness cease."

Once you have recited, use the candle's flame to burn the paper and place the burning paper amongst the horehound braid/rope. (the horehound will most likely catch fire and burn a little, then smoke, it will smell similar to sage).
Imagining and visualizing health and protection and love; sending your energy and feelings out to this person; connecting with them.
Then allow the candle to burn for however long you will be near it. When leaving the candle/spellwork area, snuff the candle.
Light everyday (whenever convenient or in the early morning) and meditate on your intention, sending love and power their way, until the person recovers or until the candle burns completely down.

💗traveler's blessing
         ~ powerful spell bottle to keep travelers safe on their journeys!
Ingredients (all crystals are small or chips and can be substituted, these are just from my personal collection! just look for crystals with similar correspondences)
- Dirt and 1 piece of bark from the tree closest to the traveler's bedroom window
- Amethyst - protection for travelers
- Prehnite - unconditional love
- Tiger's eye - protection, peace
- Clear quartz - power increase
- Labradorite - reduce stress and anxiety
- Anyolite - negative energy into positive
- Jasper - protection
- Taglock of traveler
- Empty glass bottle
- Candles - green (luck), blue (peace), black (protection), yellow (joy and hope), pink (love), white (for charging)
Pour some dirt into the bottle, enough to form a base. Add the bark and more dirt. Charge the crystals with the white candle. Add 1 crystal and one layer of dirt until all crystals are in the bottle. Add the taglock to focus the spell. Add one more layer of dirt. Seal the bottle with the black wax. Drip blue, yellow, pink, and green wax on the outside of the bottle. Bless under the moon if possible. Have the traveler carry this with them.
*remember to thank the spirits when you take from nature.

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