🍓**prosperity spell with strawberries!**🍓
-take four strawberries and some sugar. with one strawberry you're going to draw a sigil or rune that represents wealth, prosperity or luck onto a plate. the fehu rune works great for this
-set the three untouched strawberries around the sigil/rune and throw the used one away or eat it.
-take some sugar and sprinkle over the sigil/rune. notice how it's materializing on the strawberry juice, just like it's going to materialize in your life!
- take the plate outside. spend twenty minutes or more sitting with it while reciting affirmations and manifestations
-leave it out there overnight, and if the strawberries are still there you can leave them as a thank you
do everything with intention in mind
strawberry; fertility, fortune, friendship, happiness, love, luck, passion, romance, sensuality, success, beauty