🍃lemon ginger tea🍃
🥀tea is an excellent way to incorporate green witchcraft and herbal magick into your daily life.
ward against evil and banish something or someone from one's life, repels spite,malice,and gossip. It also helps with psychic awareness and travel. Lust, psychic powers, road opening, path renewal, clear away negative emotions, insight, and cleansing~lemon peel
longevity, purification, love, friendship, contact spirits, cursing, faithfulness, fidelity, friendship, growth, happiness, health, longevity, psychic powers, and purification~cinnamon
energy, confidence, protection, growth, grounding, love, happiness, comfort, mental strength, to add extra oomph to a spell(in my experience), passion, courage, money, divination, fortune, wisdom, and wealth. most popularly and overall, the uses of cinnamon include summoning the Forces of Fire and the spirits/god(s) who are associated with the Element, boost your powers of fire,spirituality, success, healing, protection, power, love, luck, strength, and prosperity.-ginger
healing, love, money, energy, power, succes, sexuality and lust. also, it is energetic and firey and adds power to any magical activity. It is used in spells to "speed things up" or to cause plans to come to fruition quickly. It can also be used in spells to add passion to an existing relationship.~lemon verbena
For breaking a run of bad luck,protection against negativity, the Evil Eye, and ill-wishing.
~rose hip
beauty, love, peace, attraction, anti-stress, purifying, harmony, friendship, prosperity, fertility, anti-nightmare, confidence, divination, family, truth, cleansing, and kindness~licorice root
love, lust, fidelity, protection, passion,~honey(optional)
healing, love, lust, sex, vitality, communication, motivation, energy, confidence, protection, intuition, good luck, prosperity, abundance, wish granting
🥀when I add honey, I use it to symbolize it sweetening my life. for example, I say/think, may this honey bring sweetness into my life, may this honey sweetness my life, or just honey to sweeten my life.🍃I usually stir, thinking of my intention or say an incantation. For example, "this tea shall bring me peace. lemon to cleanse me of all that doesn't serve me. ginger for healing and to bring love to me. cinnamon, for power so I may feel empowered throughout my day. may day(life) be as sweet as honey. so mote it be(so it is, so shall it be). whilst drinking the tea, I let feeling of love and peace wash over me.