𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑁𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑠

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"Father, may I go outside?" I yelled out.

"Did you say something, Norman?" My dad looked away from his intense card game with my uncle Peter.

"May I go outside?"

My uncle put his last card down while my dad was distracted, making him lose the game.

"Yeah- yeah- go ahead, so-N OF A BITCH!" He slams his cards on the table in defeat while my uncle laughs.

I run outside and down the stairs. I jumped off of the last step and crashed into something.


"Ray-!" A man with pinkish-purple hair and blue eyes called out as he quickly made his way towards me.

I looked down to see a boy around my height with black hair and a purple eye on the floor.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" I asked the shy-looking boy as I offered him my hand. He takes it and gets up without a word.

"I'm so sorry, young man, my son doesn't talk much." The tall man said while picking the small boy up. "He should be fine, don't worry about him."

"Are you moving into that house?" I pointed to the house right next to mine.

"Yes, indeed, we are. You must live here, which means we're neighbors." He had a sweet smile. "I'm Leslie, and this is my son. Tell the nice boy your name, honey."

The black-haired boy spoke with hesitation. "I-I'm Ray." He almost whispered.

"Are you six, like me?!" I asked, a little excited to have a friend my age.

"Mhm." He nods.

"Yay! We're gonna be best friends! Would you like to be my friend?"

"Yes, I would like to be your friend-!" Ray shows an excited smile. "What is y-your name?"

"Me? Oh! I'm Norman!" I told him. "Sir, may I play with your son?"

Mr. Leslie smiled down at me and nodded. I grabbed Ray's hand and rushed into my house.

"Stay safe, boys!"

"Dad, dad-! I mean father-! I made a new friend!"

He looks at me, once again getting distracted from his card game. My uncle wins once again, smirking evilly.

"You were outside for a minute- never mind that. Why are you back inside?"

"I wanna show him my cool toys!"

"That's okay, but remember, don't show off." My father smiles before looking back at the cards on the table. He looks at my uncle and chuckles. "I suppose you've won again, my dearest brother."

I pull Ray by his hand again and take him to my room. His eye basically sparkles when he sees all my cool stuff.

"H-How do you have this much?"

"I dunno- my dad just buys me everything." I shrug.

"That's so cool!"

"Hey, can I ask you- may I ask you a question?"

"No need to be all proper, go ahead." He giggles.

"Do you only have one eye? Because- I can only see one and I'm curious."

He laughs and he looks so cute.

"I love your laugh, it's so cute!" I smile.

"Thanks, and I don't have one eye. I'm not a cyclops!" He keeps laughing.

Ray uncovers his other eye, and I see how pretty he is.

"You're really pretty, Ray, I love your purple eyes!"

My dad opens the door to my room. "How are you boys doing in here?"

"Good, da- father!"

"That's good." He smiles. "I just came to tell you that your uncle and I are going to get some drinks, promise to keep the house in one piece?"


My dad and uncle left, so now it's just me and Ray! I know exactly what to do. I hop onto the bed and start jumping up and down.

"C'mon, Ray!" I give him my hand and he gets up with me. We're both jumping now, and Ray's hair is bouncing everywhere. I already said this, but his eyes are really pretty.

"Are we even allowed to jump on the bed?" Ray asks through giggles.


"Aren't you afraid of getting in trouble?"


"You're bad!" He giggles again.

"I know!"

No One's Pov

The two boys spent the rest of the day together, doing whatever they wanted. Until Ray got called to go home.

"Hello, mr. Leslie, did you need something?" Norman asked as he stood in the doorway.

"Hi, Norman. I do need something, if you don't mind. It's getting a bit late, Ray needs to go home."

"Noooo!" Ray stood behind Norman, whining about how he didn't want to go home. "I don't wanna go! Can I stay a little longer?"

"No, Ray. You have to come home now." Leslie said, his tone still sweet as ever.

Ray's eyes began welling up with tears, he didn't want to leave. He moves Norman out of the way and shuts the door in his dad's face.

"Let's keep playing," Ray pulled Norman back upstairs.

"Aren't you scared of getting in trouble, Ray? What you did was pretty rude-"

"No, I wanna stay here. Hmph."

There was another knock on the door, to which Norman answered. This time, it wasn't Leslie. It was Isabella.

"Where is my child?"

"Who are you?"

"Where is my child?"

"Answer my question, then I'll tell you where he is." Norman demanded with a cheeky smile.

"I'm Ray's mother, and it's time for him to go home."

"Ohhhhh- Ray, your mom is here!"

"Speaking of mothers, where is yours?" The woman with a long braid and purple eyes asked.

"She's in the ground, but my dad and uncle are at the store!"

The woman looked baffled.

"Who's at the door, Norman?" His cousin, Anna, asked. She rubbed her drowsy eyes.

"It's Ray's mom!"

"Who's Ray?"

"My new friend!"

Ray goes outside to face his mother.

"I'm sorry, mom. I'll go home."

"Yes you will." She smacks his shoulder, to which he whimpers. "Man up, Ray, I barely touched you."

Leslie comes out and picks Ray up. "I'm so sorry, sweetie." He says to Ray who was crying. "Make sure to lock up the doors, Norman."

"Got it, mr. Leslie." Norman shuts the door and locks it. That was a day he'd never forget. The day that he met his best friend and first love.

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 - A Norman x Ray StoryWhere stories live. Discover now